Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Attention: I will begin cross-posting at www.iam23skidoo.com
I'm still busy tweaking(ie. learning CSS) some of the functionality, but it's ready enough.

My 12 readers might want to update your feeds over there as I will begin posting there exclusively in '09

Once again I found myself alone for the evening. The wife has been neck-up in school stuff for the last few weeks and doesn't look to slow down for the rest of the semester. Her hard work has resulted in some spare time for me after the kids go to bed. Obviously I'm gonna take the opportunity to sling some cards.

I saw a 3+ rebuy to the 50/50 and figure what the hell. My only self induced exception was that I would not rebuy more than 5 times. I decided to start with the minimum of 1000 chips, and never rebought until the add-on.

At the same time I saw a 3K guarantee that was about to start with a little overlay, so I decided to join that as well. Then I realized it was limit. DOH. I buckled in and played G-cox tight until I accumulated some chippies.

The rebuy was easy and I got my 50+5 with a few minutes left of registration into the 50/50. I decided to cash out and take the T$ to focus on the LHE since I was hovering in the top 10 for a good bit.

I hit the final table as the short stack, but built up to 3rd in chips, unfortunately I sniffed out a bluff that ran into a straight and petered out in 5th.

So mark that about $30 invested turned into about $300. I'll take that on any night.

Here's a pic of the 3k final table.

Also a hearty congrats to Dusty who was busy taking down a $3 PLO MTT...Talk about ROI!

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