Ok, gotta just jump back on the horse. Writing has been really difficult for me for a couple of weeks now. I'm not really interested in saying nothing, and when your are a not so gifted writer the BS just ends up coming out just like BS.
So I'm just gonna try an go through a little life report and see if it generates some sparks. And for kicks I'll work backwards.
I've been utterly useless today, sleepwalking through another day. Having some bizarre chest/throat/head thing going on is no fun to boot. Combine that with horrible eating habits, an accumulation of 6 hours sleep in the last 2 nights and you have my general state of being somewhat realized. I was fully intending to drop the kids off at the bus stop, turn right around and go back to bed. For some stupid reason I couldn't make myself do it and found myself at my desk some 45 minutes later.
I really had a great nite playing cards last night, results-wise, meh...up a small bit, but I still feel like I am playing really great. Early in the mook, I lost some chips to a re-raise so I had to be patient. Fortunately (unfortunately as you will see) I woke up with QQ in the cutoff and I had one limper to me. I raise about 4x the blinds to lose the ace/crap play hoping for a fold or a chance to push. I got a call from the BB and the limper folds. JJx comes the flop, and I can't see checking here. My only option is min raise or push. Being me, I pushed and was called by TT. ..hiiiyyyyyeeeeahhh . I'll spare you the rest.
Big props to my ATL brethren for getting 1st and 2nd in the mook last night. Way to represent BRAIN and Surf!!
So I sign up for the 2nd chance horse and a 22+2 turbo. I can't say much about the horse game, I played my usual questionable hands and had some fun. I hate Stud, I have no concept as to how to play this as 2 pairs usually take it down..or so it seems. I freaking dominate the 22 and my head is getting bigger since I knocked Gracie out of HU4 earlier.
Grace and I have been trying to get together a few times, but being the holidays and my lack of playing time over the last 2 weeks we had a tough time getting together. When I sparked up the old poker machine, imagine my delight when I see the little yellow smiley next to peacecorn in the girly chat. So I think to myself, "Self, you might as well bite the bullet and get yourself tore up by a former WSOP player and uber cool lady.
Something happened though about mid way through the first game. I felt goot! I felt in command. I switched up a little from the bet, raise, fold school and took some chances. Go figure, I start catching and rolling.. I made one questionable call in the third game with TPFD top pair flush draw. I held the Q and put Gracie on AQ- QT she pushed the turn and I knew she did not want a call, but I gave it and her trashy 2-pair held up. Other than that, I bobbed and weaved my way to 3-1 fairly quickly. I think we were done with all 4 matches in under an hour, or close to it.
I do not want to give the impression that I somehow outplayed her, I just got cards when I needed them... end of story.
Work has been creating a bit of tilt for me lately as I go through periods of utter boredom to frantic frustrating juggling to finish 'emergency' projects. I'm still the guy they come to when they get stuck or can't figure something out...so as long as there are persons of questionable intellect in my workplace, I'm good. I still have a 'crossing every finger' type opportunity that is beginning to look bleak, but I'll hold up hope till I hear something.
So Tuesday night at the wheetie was a trial in frustration. I made a hammer play fairly early and couldn't get some donk off Ax soooted. I should have paid attention, since it turns out he was a calling station overvaluing aces on a couple of occasions. Then it just turned into one of those games where i didn't get paid off when I wanted action, my moves missed completely, then frustration took over.
Its a snowball effect that creeps into MTT's for me a bit. It seems like I can take a a sequence of hands and roll on up, but if I get beat bad or have a string of plays with decent hands that don't hit, I get frustrated and things move south. In late stage situations, I usually have chips to lose, and this doesn't affect me, but early in tournaments a bad hand can ofter spell early destruction for me, as evidenced in both blogger tourneys I played this week.
I've been thinking alot about temperament and am not going to continue playing when I am not concentrating. My temperament and my concentration goes hand in hand. Essentially, if I'm concentrating in the moment, my actions are not dictated by my feelings. And all good cash and tournament players that I know are able to remove emotions from the decision making process.
Saturday and Sunday I spent in bed or on the couch as I was overrun with exhaustion and the onset of a cold. The wife was super spectacular at taking the kids away to let me wallow and rest. She was also retuning my favor from Friday when I let her sleep all day....she bounces back in ~24 hrs.....I'm still hacking up pieces of lung and sound like I've had my larynx removed 5 days later.
Ahh what else. Turkey day was awesome. I am lucky enough to have most of my family within driving distance and was able to hit up lunch at big bro's house and dinner at my wife's aunt's.
The wife is almost done for the semester and is gearing up for 3 big finals in Constitutional Law, Torts and a 3rd one I'm forgetting, you lawyers out there can feel her pain I'm sure. This means she will be spending a vast majority of her time the next two weeks studying, reading, and sleeping possibly allowing me to concentrate on poker and house stuff.
So that just about catches me up on what I'm not posting about for the past week. I'm looking forward to hitting the virtual felt tonight all hopped up on cold medicine.....yipee!!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Atlanta Poker Bloggers Tour - Redux
I can officially call the 2nd stop on the APBT a success.
For the first tournament, we ended up with 9 players.
IIRC Seat 1- Butch 2- Amy 3- Brain 4- Weak 5- Surf 6- king 7- me 8- cc 9- Rufus
Surf went out first and I went 2nd when weak turned a 4 card flush to my aces. (which reminds me I did not pay off my bounty) The Dutch oven came in about 45 min late so he George and I started up a little cash game. Rufus joined soon after and I lost track of the main table until they split 3 ways. I'm pretty sure it was weak, Brain and CC splitting.
For the second tourney we got Dutch, and my wife decided to play as well giving us a snug fitting 11.
Seating was 1- Weak 2- skidooWife 3- Butch 4- Dutch 5- George 6- King 7- CC 8- Brain 9- Transfish 10- Rufus 11- Me.
I got the Gigli award when I was crippled by my OWN WIFE with TT vs her AK. She flopped a King and I could not get her off of it. 2 or 3 hands later I pushed with AJo and was once again beaten by weak. This time he had 99. My wife made a questionable call with JT on a raggy drawing board to double weak up. She confided in me last night that she was very upset about her play there, and made me promise not to make her play against the mean old bloggers anymore. Seriously though, her call bothered her in the fact she wouldn't have made the it if she had stopped to think, and just got caught up in the action....rookies.
In a strange turn of events, my buddy John got called away by his wife. They had a baby on Tuesday, and she was having trouble keeping her food down all day. She was very fussy and seemed to be uncomfortable, so John's wife decided it was time to go to the hospital. John bolted and my wife went over to their house to watch their other child.
I felt it was my civic duty to play out the tourney with John's chips, everyone agreed. Rufus came back in and played my wife's short stack.
About 4 hands in, I turned into a card rack, and had some chips to use to my advantage. I took some fairly large pots with A3 vs A2 (blind battle), AQ vs ?? (queen flopped), and one close call I had was with CC when I open raised (KQc) for the umpteenth time, he pushed with A8 and I had a very tough call. I put him on small to mid pairs and decided it was worth a call to take a big stack and a dangerous player out. There were nothing but blanks on the flop and turn, and I called for the king on the river, but did not get it.....I got the queen instead and busted CC.
Down to 3 handed (Me, my brother, butch) my brother could not catch a card to save his life and I got him out. Butch was playing very tough and it was really hard for me to put him on a hand all night, he stole from me a few times and I decided to make a stand with 8Ts (the sooted mook!)I had him covered but was behind to his Jx. I flopped an 8 and he did not catch up.
Closing in on midnight everyone decided to leave. I was a little bummed, but I totally understand. I live in the sticks and almost everyone had a drive of 30 minutes or more. All I had to do was stumble upstairs ( I was about 8 beers in by that time)
So, what does a buzzing poker player to do with sleeping kids and a wife who is MIA?....Well play more poker of course.
I logged in to FT and just looked around to see who was on. I saw fastpitch27 doing well and railbirded him for awhile. Spoke with waffles in girly chat for a bit. Played a few hands of 1/2 razz. Then joined a $5 45 person. I completely dominated that one as I got a FH on the first hand then a flopped str8 on the 2nd...I took 2 people out and cruised to the final table, rarely moving below first place. Unfortunately I got a bit unlucky HU an ended up in 2nd.
Arron popped on PS for awhile and I watched him play 5 draw, then tried myself for a bit....losing $20.
I stupidly joined a 100+9 sng on ps and went out 6th....what can I say....it was the beer talking.
Finally the wife came home around 3. The baby was fine after all, just overfed according to the doctor, better safe than sorry I suppose.
I want to thank everyone who came over for making the drive, and I hope everyone had a good time. We have a pretty solid group of players here in Atlanta and we were well represented. I definitely look forward to playing with you all again and can't wait till next time!!
For the first tournament, we ended up with 9 players.
IIRC Seat 1- Butch 2- Amy 3- Brain 4- Weak 5- Surf 6- king 7- me 8- cc 9- Rufus
Surf went out first and I went 2nd when weak turned a 4 card flush to my aces. (which reminds me I did not pay off my bounty) The Dutch oven came in about 45 min late so he George and I started up a little cash game. Rufus joined soon after and I lost track of the main table until they split 3 ways. I'm pretty sure it was weak, Brain and CC splitting.
For the second tourney we got Dutch, and my wife decided to play as well giving us a snug fitting 11.
Seating was 1- Weak 2- skidooWife 3- Butch 4- Dutch 5- George 6- King 7- CC 8- Brain 9- Transfish 10- Rufus 11- Me.
I got the Gigli award when I was crippled by my OWN WIFE with TT vs her AK. She flopped a King and I could not get her off of it. 2 or 3 hands later I pushed with AJo and was once again beaten by weak. This time he had 99. My wife made a questionable call with JT on a raggy drawing board to double weak up. She confided in me last night that she was very upset about her play there, and made me promise not to make her play against the mean old bloggers anymore. Seriously though, her call bothered her in the fact she wouldn't have made the it if she had stopped to think, and just got caught up in the action....rookies.
In a strange turn of events, my buddy John got called away by his wife. They had a baby on Tuesday, and she was having trouble keeping her food down all day. She was very fussy and seemed to be uncomfortable, so John's wife decided it was time to go to the hospital. John bolted and my wife went over to their house to watch their other child.
I felt it was my civic duty to play out the tourney with John's chips, everyone agreed. Rufus came back in and played my wife's short stack.
About 4 hands in, I turned into a card rack, and had some chips to use to my advantage. I took some fairly large pots with A3 vs A2 (blind battle), AQ vs ?? (queen flopped), and one close call I had was with CC when I open raised (KQc) for the umpteenth time, he pushed with A8 and I had a very tough call. I put him on small to mid pairs and decided it was worth a call to take a big stack and a dangerous player out. There were nothing but blanks on the flop and turn, and I called for the king on the river, but did not get it.....I got the queen instead and busted CC.
Down to 3 handed (Me, my brother, butch) my brother could not catch a card to save his life and I got him out. Butch was playing very tough and it was really hard for me to put him on a hand all night, he stole from me a few times and I decided to make a stand with 8Ts (the sooted mook!)I had him covered but was behind to his Jx. I flopped an 8 and he did not catch up.
Closing in on midnight everyone decided to leave. I was a little bummed, but I totally understand. I live in the sticks and almost everyone had a drive of 30 minutes or more. All I had to do was stumble upstairs ( I was about 8 beers in by that time)
So, what does a buzzing poker player to do with sleeping kids and a wife who is MIA?....Well play more poker of course.
I logged in to FT and just looked around to see who was on. I saw fastpitch27 doing well and railbirded him for awhile. Spoke with waffles in girly chat for a bit. Played a few hands of 1/2 razz. Then joined a $5 45 person. I completely dominated that one as I got a FH on the first hand then a flopped str8 on the 2nd...I took 2 people out and cruised to the final table, rarely moving below first place. Unfortunately I got a bit unlucky HU an ended up in 2nd.
Arron popped on PS for awhile and I watched him play 5 draw, then tried myself for a bit....losing $20.
I stupidly joined a 100+9 sng on ps and went out 6th....what can I say....it was the beer talking.
Finally the wife came home around 3. The baby was fine after all, just overfed according to the doctor, better safe than sorry I suppose.
I want to thank everyone who came over for making the drive, and I hope everyone had a good time. We have a pretty solid group of players here in Atlanta and we were well represented. I definitely look forward to playing with you all again and can't wait till next time!!
Atlanta Poker Bloggers Tour - Redux
I can officially call the 2nd stop on the APBT a success.
For the first tournament, we ended up with 9 players.
IIRC Seat 1- Butch 2- Amy 3- Brain 4- Weak 5- Surf 6- king 7- me 8- cc 9- Rufus
Surf went out first and I went 2nd when weak turned a 4 card flush to my aces. (which reminds me I did not pay off my bounty) The Dutch oven came in about 45 min late so he George and I started up a little cash game. Rufus joined soon after and I lost track of the main table until they split 3 ways. I'm pretty sure it was weak, Brain and CC splitting.
For the second tourney we got Dutch, and my wife decided to play as well giving us a snug fitting 11.
Seating was 1- Weak 2- skidooWife 3- Butch 4- Dutch 5- George 6- King 7- CC 8- Brain 9- Transfish 10- Rufus 11- Me.
I got the Gigli award when I was crippled by my OWN WIFE with TT vs her AK. She flopped a King and I could not get her off of it. 2 or 3 hands later I pushed with AJo and was once again beaten by weak. This time he had 99. My wife made a questionable call with JT on a raggy drawing board to double weak up. She confided in me last night that she was very upset about her play there, and made me promise not to make her play against the mean old bloggers anymore. Seriously though, her call bothered her in the fact she wouldn't have made the it if she had stopped to think, and just got caught up in the action....rookies.
In a strange turn of events, my buddy John got called away by his wife. They had a baby on Tuesday, and she was having trouble keeping her food down all day. She was very fussy and seemed to be uncomfortable, so John's wife decided it was time to go to the hospital. John bolted and my wife went over to their house to watch their other child.
I felt it was my civic duty to play out the tourney with John's chips, everyone agreed. Rufus came back in and played my wife's short stack.
About 4 hands in, I turned into a card rack, and had some chips to use to my advantage. I took some fairly large pots with A3 vs A2 (blind battle), AQ vs ?? (queen flopped), and one close call I had was with CC when I open raised (KQc) for the umpteenth time, he pushed with A8 and I had a very tough call. I put him on small to mid pairs and decided it was worth a call to take a big stack and a dangerous player out. There were nothing but blanks on the flop and turn, and I called for the king on the river, but did not get it.....I got the queen instead and busted CC.
Down to 3 handed (Me, my brother, butch) my brother could not catch a card to save his life and I got him out. Butch was playing very tough and it was really hard for me to put him on a hand all night, he stole from me a few times and I decided to make a stand with 8Ts (the sooted mook!)I had him covered but was behind to his Jx. I flopped an 8 and he did not catch up.
Closing in on midnight everyone decided to leave. I was a little bummed, but I totally understand. I live in the sticks and almost everyone had a drive of 30 minutes or more. All I had to do was stumble upstairs ( I was about 8 beers in by that time)
So, what does a buzzing poker player to do with sleeping kids and a wife who is MIA?....Well play more poker of course.
I logged in to FT and just looked around to see who was on. I saw fastpitch27 doing well and railbirded him for awhile. Spoke with waffles in girly chat for a bit. Played a few hands of 1/2 razz. Then joined a $5 45 person. I completely dominated that one as I got a FH on the first hand then a flopped str8 on the 2nd...I took 2 people out and cruised to the final table, rarely moving below first place. Unfortunately I got a bit unlucky HU an ended up in 2nd.
Arron popped on PS for awhile and I watched him play 5 draw, then tried myself for a bit....losing $20.
I stupidly joined a 100+9 sng on ps and went out 6th....what can I say....it was the beer talking.
Finally the wife came home around 3. The baby was fine after all, just overfed according to the doctor, better safe than sorry I suppose.
I want to thank everyone who came over for making the drive, and I hope everyone had a good time. We have a pretty solid group of players here in Atlanta and we were well represented. I definitely look forward to playing with you all again and can't wait till next time!!
For the first tournament, we ended up with 9 players.
IIRC Seat 1- Butch 2- Amy 3- Brain 4- Weak 5- Surf 6- king 7- me 8- cc 9- Rufus
Surf went out first and I went 2nd when weak turned a 4 card flush to my aces. (which reminds me I did not pay off my bounty) The Dutch oven came in about 45 min late so he George and I started up a little cash game. Rufus joined soon after and I lost track of the main table until they split 3 ways. I'm pretty sure it was weak, Brain and CC splitting.
For the second tourney we got Dutch, and my wife decided to play as well giving us a snug fitting 11.
Seating was 1- Weak 2- skidooWife 3- Butch 4- Dutch 5- George 6- King 7- CC 8- Brain 9- Transfish 10- Rufus 11- Me.
I got the Gigli award when I was crippled by my OWN WIFE with TT vs her AK. She flopped a King and I could not get her off of it. 2 or 3 hands later I pushed with AJo and was once again beaten by weak. This time he had 99. My wife made a questionable call with JT on a raggy drawing board to double weak up. She confided in me last night that she was very upset about her play there, and made me promise not to make her play against the mean old bloggers anymore. Seriously though, her call bothered her in the fact she wouldn't have made the it if she had stopped to think, and just got caught up in the action....rookies.
In a strange turn of events, my buddy John got called away by his wife. They had a baby on Tuesday, and she was having trouble keeping her food down all day. She was very fussy and seemed to be uncomfortable, so John's wife decided it was time to go to the hospital. John bolted and my wife went over to their house to watch their other child.
I felt it was my civic duty to play out the tourney with John's chips, everyone agreed. Rufus came back in and played my wife's short stack.
About 4 hands in, I turned into a card rack, and had some chips to use to my advantage. I took some fairly large pots with A3 vs A2 (blind battle), AQ vs ?? (queen flopped), and one close call I had was with CC when I open raised (KQc) for the umpteenth time, he pushed with A8 and I had a very tough call. I put him on small to mid pairs and decided it was worth a call to take a big stack and a dangerous player out. There were nothing but blanks on the flop and turn, and I called for the king on the river, but did not get it.....I got the queen instead and busted CC.
Down to 3 handed (Me, my brother, butch) my brother could not catch a card to save his life and I got him out. Butch was playing very tough and it was really hard for me to put him on a hand all night, he stole from me a few times and I decided to make a stand with 8Ts (the sooted mook!)I had him covered but was behind to his Jx. I flopped an 8 and he did not catch up.
Closing in on midnight everyone decided to leave. I was a little bummed, but I totally understand. I live in the sticks and almost everyone had a drive of 30 minutes or more. All I had to do was stumble upstairs ( I was about 8 beers in by that time)
So, what does a buzzing poker player to do with sleeping kids and a wife who is MIA?....Well play more poker of course.
I logged in to FT and just looked around to see who was on. I saw fastpitch27 doing well and railbirded him for awhile. Spoke with waffles in girly chat for a bit. Played a few hands of 1/2 razz. Then joined a $5 45 person. I completely dominated that one as I got a FH on the first hand then a flopped str8 on the 2nd...I took 2 people out and cruised to the final table, rarely moving below first place. Unfortunately I got a bit unlucky HU an ended up in 2nd.
Arron popped on PS for awhile and I watched him play 5 draw, then tried myself for a bit....losing $20.
I stupidly joined a 100+9 sng on ps and went out 6th....what can I say....it was the beer talking.
Finally the wife came home around 3. The baby was fine after all, just overfed according to the doctor, better safe than sorry I suppose.
I want to thank everyone who came over for making the drive, and I hope everyone had a good time. We have a pretty solid group of players here in Atlanta and we were well represented. I definitely look forward to playing with you all again and can't wait till next time!!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
CC's Thursday Bash! AND HU4

HI ALL! Come and play the Thursday Bash! If a donk like me can win it then so can you!!!
I'm also gonna be playing Gracie in HU4 matches, and I just might play the last DADI as well since I donked my way into a token last nite...right SLB?
The MOOK was a good time last night as I went out in 14th overplaying KT in the Cutoff, yay me! Maybe I'll make it into Waffles video experience, where he outplayed me with the hammer.
CC's Thursday Bash! AND HU4

HI ALL! Come and play the Thursday Bash! If a donk like me can win it then so can you!!!
I'm also gonna be playing Gracie in HU4 matches, and I just might play the last DADI as well since I donked my way into a token last nite...right SLB?
The MOOK was a good time last night as I went out in 14th overplaying KT in the Cutoff, yay me! Maybe I'll make it into Waffles video experience, where he outplayed me with the hammer.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
I'm tired.
I've been tired all week. I think my body is preparing itself for something and is storing energy in the fat around my midsection, then again, maybe not. I'm just gaining weight.
I've made almost all of the preparations I need for the blogger game on Saturday. To say I'm overly excited about this would be an understatement. My usual actions in similar situations is to:
A. Manage to piss someone off without knowing I'm doing it.
B. Piss someone off fully intending to piss that person off.
C. Piss myself of by making an ass of myself.
D. Piss the wife off for making an ass of myself.
E. Get piss drunk and pass out/black out doing all of the above.
Knowing myself is a good thing sometimes, and I will strive to do none of these on Saturday, but no guarantees.
I have a 'not as earth shaking as the blogfather pulling the plug' possibility coming up that only 3 other people are aware of. It's weighing on me and am desperate for a positive result without even having one in sight. I really hate waiting on thing which I have no, or little control over.
So wish me luck if you will, on opening new doors.
I've been tired all week. I think my body is preparing itself for something and is storing energy in the fat around my midsection, then again, maybe not. I'm just gaining weight.
I've made almost all of the preparations I need for the blogger game on Saturday. To say I'm overly excited about this would be an understatement. My usual actions in similar situations is to:
A. Manage to piss someone off without knowing I'm doing it.
B. Piss someone off fully intending to piss that person off.
C. Piss myself of by making an ass of myself.
D. Piss the wife off for making an ass of myself.
E. Get piss drunk and pass out/black out doing all of the above.
Knowing myself is a good thing sometimes, and I will strive to do none of these on Saturday, but no guarantees.
I have a 'not as earth shaking as the blogfather pulling the plug' possibility coming up that only 3 other people are aware of. It's weighing on me and am desperate for a positive result without even having one in sight. I really hate waiting on thing which I have no, or little control over.
So wish me luck if you will, on opening new doors.
I'm tired.
I've been tired all week. I think my body is preparing itself for something and is storing energy in the fat around my midsection, then again, maybe not. I'm just gaining weight.
I've made almost all of the preparations I need for the blogger game on Saturday. To say I'm overly excited about this would be an understatement. My usual actions in similar situations is to:
A. Manage to piss someone off without knowing I'm doing it.
B. Piss someone off fully intending to piss that person off.
C. Piss myself of by making an ass of myself.
D. Piss the wife off for making an ass of myself.
E. Get piss drunk and pass out/black out doing all of the above.
Knowing myself is a good thing sometimes, and I will strive to do none of these on Saturday, but no guarantees.
I have a 'not as earth shaking as the blogfather pulling the plug' possibility coming up that only 3 other people are aware of. It's weighing on me and am desperate for a positive result without even having one in sight. I really hate waiting on thing which I have no, or little control over.
So wish me luck if you will, on opening new doors.
I've been tired all week. I think my body is preparing itself for something and is storing energy in the fat around my midsection, then again, maybe not. I'm just gaining weight.
I've made almost all of the preparations I need for the blogger game on Saturday. To say I'm overly excited about this would be an understatement. My usual actions in similar situations is to:
A. Manage to piss someone off without knowing I'm doing it.
B. Piss someone off fully intending to piss that person off.
C. Piss myself of by making an ass of myself.
D. Piss the wife off for making an ass of myself.
E. Get piss drunk and pass out/black out doing all of the above.
Knowing myself is a good thing sometimes, and I will strive to do none of these on Saturday, but no guarantees.
I have a 'not as earth shaking as the blogfather pulling the plug' possibility coming up that only 3 other people are aware of. It's weighing on me and am desperate for a positive result without even having one in sight. I really hate waiting on thing which I have no, or little control over.
So wish me luck if you will, on opening new doors.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Atlanta Poker Bloggers Tour -- Roll Call !!!
Hear ye hear ye. Here we go!
Please be at my house by 7PM, If you want to come earlier, please do! BrainMC is coming at 3:30 to enjoy libations and AUB/ALA on the big screen. Maybe I can convince him to switch back and forth to the OSU/Mich game since Auburn laid an egg vs GA.
Below are the expected attendees and my oh so sharp commentary.
Confirmed attendees:
The ultimate aggro-donk, a style crafted by many years of questionable play. I'll be placing a $10 bounty on my head, so come and get it!
Unquestionably one of the most solid players of the group with a perfect mix of aggressive and selective plays, my odds on favorite to take this thing down....unless I can suckout on him.
This cagey veteran can overplay mid-pairs like nobody's business, watch out!
Hopefully Kelly hasn't fallen off the face of the earth, I know your busy dude, but post an update or something! If Kelly emerges from his shaolin hiding place he will be a force to be reckoned with, a very solid tight-agg player.
I've only played with trauma on occasion, so I can only assume he is a balla, and should be treated as such.
Venerable poker pro and all around great guy, Aaron is coming off a hot week in Vegas to take our money, leave your wallets at home!
TransFish AKA Mrs. Weak
Amy is the donk to to Aaron's weak. Sorry Amy, I just couldn't resist.
Angela AKA Mrs Surf
I'll be nice to the misses if she promises to be nice to me.
Butch H
Frequents the WWDN and Mook, also will be playing the HU3. I eventually tracked down a web presence for him. I hope he doesn't mind me posting it, but Google is my bitch.
No blog...he gets a pass, he's my brother. You all have my permission to point and laugh at him, but you will have to remember that blogs are ghey, and he doesn't have one....Hmmmm.
The Dutch Oven
Also getting a pass is my neighborhood buddy who is one hell of a player. Watch out for the skinny dude smoking a cigar, if you look into his eyes you may turn to stone.
Still a maybe....CCCome on Craig, you know you want to!
SO..If you think you are coming and not on this list, then contact me!
23skidoo ATE gmail.com
For anyone wondering about the blogger beta, I switched yesterday. I haven't noticed alot of changes, but haven't looked at too much yet.
Please be at my house by 7PM, If you want to come earlier, please do! BrainMC is coming at 3:30 to enjoy libations and AUB/ALA on the big screen. Maybe I can convince him to switch back and forth to the OSU/Mich game since Auburn laid an egg vs GA.
Below are the expected attendees and my oh so sharp commentary.
Confirmed attendees:
The ultimate aggro-donk, a style crafted by many years of questionable play. I'll be placing a $10 bounty on my head, so come and get it!
Unquestionably one of the most solid players of the group with a perfect mix of aggressive and selective plays, my odds on favorite to take this thing down....unless I can suckout on him.
This cagey veteran can overplay mid-pairs like nobody's business, watch out!
Hopefully Kelly hasn't fallen off the face of the earth, I know your busy dude, but post an update or something! If Kelly emerges from his shaolin hiding place he will be a force to be reckoned with, a very solid tight-agg player.
I've only played with trauma on occasion, so I can only assume he is a balla, and should be treated as such.
Venerable poker pro and all around great guy, Aaron is coming off a hot week in Vegas to take our money, leave your wallets at home!
TransFish AKA Mrs. Weak
Amy is the donk to to Aaron's weak. Sorry Amy, I just couldn't resist.
Angela AKA Mrs Surf
I'll be nice to the misses if she promises to be nice to me.
Butch H
Frequents the WWDN and Mook, also will be playing the HU3. I eventually tracked down a web presence for him. I hope he doesn't mind me posting it, but Google is my bitch.
No blog...he gets a pass, he's my brother. You all have my permission to point and laugh at him, but you will have to remember that blogs are ghey, and he doesn't have one....Hmmmm.
The Dutch Oven
Also getting a pass is my neighborhood buddy who is one hell of a player. Watch out for the skinny dude smoking a cigar, if you look into his eyes you may turn to stone.
Still a maybe....CCCome on Craig, you know you want to!
SO..If you think you are coming and not on this list, then contact me!
23skidoo ATE gmail.com
For anyone wondering about the blogger beta, I switched yesterday. I haven't noticed alot of changes, but haven't looked at too much yet.
Atlanta Poker Bloggers Tour -- Roll Call !!!
Hear ye hear ye. Here we go!
Please be at my house by 7PM, If you want to come earlier, please do! BrainMC is coming at 3:30 to enjoy libations and AUB/ALA on the big screen. Maybe I can convince him to switch back and forth to the OSU/Mich game since Auburn laid an egg vs GA.
Below are the expected attendees and my oh so sharp commentary.
Confirmed attendees:
The ultimate aggro-donk, a style crafted by many years of questionable play. I'll be placing a $10 bounty on my head, so come and get it!
Unquestionably one of the most solid players of the group with a perfect mix of aggressive and selective plays, my odds on favorite to take this thing down....unless I can suckout on him.
This cagey veteran can overplay mid-pairs like nobody's business, watch out!
Hopefully Kelly hasn't fallen off the face of the earth, I know your busy dude, but post an update or something! If Kelly emerges from his shaolin hiding place he will be a force to be reckoned with, a very solid tight-agg player.
I've only played with trauma on occasion, so I can only assume he is a balla, and should be treated as such.
Venerable poker pro and all around great guy, Aaron is coming off a hot week in Vegas to take our money, leave your wallets at home!
TransFish AKA Mrs. Weak
Amy is the donk to to Aaron's weak. Sorry Amy, I just couldn't resist.
Angela AKA Mrs Surf
I'll be nice to the misses if she promises to be nice to me.
Butch H
Frequents the WWDN and Mook, also will be playing the HU3. I eventually tracked down a web presence for him. I hope he doesn't mind me posting it, but Google is my bitch.
No blog...he gets a pass, he's my brother. You all have my permission to point and laugh at him, but you will have to remember that blogs are ghey, and he doesn't have one....Hmmmm.
The Dutch Oven
Also getting a pass is my neighborhood buddy who is one hell of a player. Watch out for the skinny dude smoking a cigar, if you look into his eyes you may turn to stone.
Still a maybe....CCCome on Craig, you know you want to!
SO..If you think you are coming and not on this list, then contact me!
23skidoo ATE gmail.com
For anyone wondering about the blogger beta, I switched yesterday. I haven't noticed alot of changes, but haven't looked at too much yet.
Please be at my house by 7PM, If you want to come earlier, please do! BrainMC is coming at 3:30 to enjoy libations and AUB/ALA on the big screen. Maybe I can convince him to switch back and forth to the OSU/Mich game since Auburn laid an egg vs GA.
Below are the expected attendees and my oh so sharp commentary.
Confirmed attendees:
The ultimate aggro-donk, a style crafted by many years of questionable play. I'll be placing a $10 bounty on my head, so come and get it!
Unquestionably one of the most solid players of the group with a perfect mix of aggressive and selective plays, my odds on favorite to take this thing down....unless I can suckout on him.
This cagey veteran can overplay mid-pairs like nobody's business, watch out!
Hopefully Kelly hasn't fallen off the face of the earth, I know your busy dude, but post an update or something! If Kelly emerges from his shaolin hiding place he will be a force to be reckoned with, a very solid tight-agg player.
I've only played with trauma on occasion, so I can only assume he is a balla, and should be treated as such.
Venerable poker pro and all around great guy, Aaron is coming off a hot week in Vegas to take our money, leave your wallets at home!
TransFish AKA Mrs. Weak
Amy is the donk to to Aaron's weak. Sorry Amy, I just couldn't resist.
Angela AKA Mrs Surf
I'll be nice to the misses if she promises to be nice to me.
Butch H
Frequents the WWDN and Mook, also will be playing the HU3. I eventually tracked down a web presence for him. I hope he doesn't mind me posting it, but Google is my bitch.
No blog...he gets a pass, he's my brother. You all have my permission to point and laugh at him, but you will have to remember that blogs are ghey, and he doesn't have one....Hmmmm.
The Dutch Oven
Also getting a pass is my neighborhood buddy who is one hell of a player. Watch out for the skinny dude smoking a cigar, if you look into his eyes you may turn to stone.
Still a maybe....CCCome on Craig, you know you want to!
SO..If you think you are coming and not on this list, then contact me!
23skidoo ATE gmail.com
For anyone wondering about the blogger beta, I switched yesterday. I haven't noticed alot of changes, but haven't looked at too much yet.
Friday, November 10, 2006
CC's Thursday Bash

Feels good to take down another blogger game....I knew I was feeling good on tourney tables and this really went well.
Down to 5 handed things started getting crazy as the chip lead changed several times. Eventually I caught trip 8's to cripple our humble host heads up and take the inaugural CC's Thursday Bash.
Congrats on a great game go out to CC! Also kudos to the Pirate for taking 3rd and Lok1 for bubble boy. And who can not forget Kat who got fooked on the bubble again!..
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Extremely acurate personality test!
Umm, or not.

Believed to have been brought to America as stow-aways on banana boats, Cuban Tree Frogs are the largest tree frogs in North America. They are notorious for cannibalism...if there are other species of frogs in the tank, or even specimens of the same species, they have been known to feast on their neighbors!
Say thanks to waffles

Believed to have been brought to America as stow-aways on banana boats, Cuban Tree Frogs are the largest tree frogs in North America. They are notorious for cannibalism...if there are other species of frogs in the tank, or even specimens of the same species, they have been known to feast on their neighbors!
Say thanks to waffles
CC's Thursday Bash

Feels good to take down another blogger game....I knew I was feeling good on tourney tables and this really went well.
Down to 5 handed things started getting crazy as the chip lead changed several times. Eventually I caught trip 8's to cripple our humble host heads up and take the inaugural CC's Thursday Bash.
Congrats on a great game go out to CC! Also kudos to the Pirate for taking 3rd and Lok1 for bubble boy. And who can not forget Kat who got fooked on the bubble again!..
Extremely acurate personality test!
Umm, or not.

Believed to have been brought to America as stow-aways on banana boats, Cuban Tree Frogs are the largest tree frogs in North America. They are notorious for cannibalism...if there are other species of frogs in the tank, or even specimens of the same species, they have been known to feast on their neighbors!
Say thanks to waffles

Believed to have been brought to America as stow-aways on banana boats, Cuban Tree Frogs are the largest tree frogs in North America. They are notorious for cannibalism...if there are other species of frogs in the tank, or even specimens of the same species, they have been known to feast on their neighbors!
Say thanks to waffles
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
How not to play the hammer.
Full Tilt Poker Game #1216607240: The Mookie - Fish n Donks (8304316), Table 3 - 25/50 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:30:17 ET - 2006/11/08
Seat 3: iam23skidoo (1,565)
Seat 5: Maudie (2,428)
iam23skidoo posts the big blind of 50
Dealt to iam23skidoo [2s 7h]
Maudie raises to 200
iam23skidoo calls 150
Now, I thought about using the 'regular' hammer raise here, but I think Maudie is not stealing and has a solid hand. SO my plan here is just smooth call and bet out if the flop is blanks or scary. My plans are foiled though as this is the flop:
*** FLOP *** [7d 4d 7s]
Now I have to check since I know she will continuation bet this 'horrible' flop.
iam23skidoo checks
Maudie bets 400
iam23skidoo calls 400
Smooth call FTW!
*** TURN *** [7d 4d 7s] [7c]
DQB! thats right.... No way she can put me on 7's I'm just hoping she has a big pair.
iam23skidoo checks
Maudie checks
*** RIVER *** [7d 4d 7s 7c] [9d]
iam23skidoo bets 450
Gotta get something in the pot....maybe she puts me on the 9 or a smaller pair.
Maudie has 15 seconds left to act
Maudie raises to 1,000
iam23skidoo calls 515, and is all in
Maudie shows [Jh Js] (a full house, Sevens full of Jacks)
iam23skidoo shows [2s 7h] (four of a kind, Sevens)
iam23skidoo wins the pot (3,155) with four of a kind, Sevens
Unfortunately I could not make the chips work for me as I went out in 15th. On a good note, I got a token and used it on the HORSE tourney, which I am still hanging in right now. I need to make a token for the next Big Game and DADI X.
Also, I'll be playing in CC's inaugural Thursday game on PokerStars and you should too!!!
Seat 3: iam23skidoo (1,565)
Seat 5: Maudie (2,428)
iam23skidoo posts the big blind of 50
Dealt to iam23skidoo [2s 7h]
Maudie raises to 200
iam23skidoo calls 150
Now, I thought about using the 'regular' hammer raise here, but I think Maudie is not stealing and has a solid hand. SO my plan here is just smooth call and bet out if the flop is blanks or scary. My plans are foiled though as this is the flop:
*** FLOP *** [7d 4d 7s]
Now I have to check since I know she will continuation bet this 'horrible' flop.
iam23skidoo checks
Maudie bets 400
iam23skidoo calls 400
Smooth call FTW!
*** TURN *** [7d 4d 7s] [7c]
DQB! thats right.... No way she can put me on 7's I'm just hoping she has a big pair.
iam23skidoo checks
Maudie checks
*** RIVER *** [7d 4d 7s 7c] [9d]
iam23skidoo bets 450
Gotta get something in the pot....maybe she puts me on the 9 or a smaller pair.
Maudie has 15 seconds left to act
Maudie raises to 1,000
iam23skidoo calls 515, and is all in
Maudie shows [Jh Js] (a full house, Sevens full of Jacks)
iam23skidoo shows [2s 7h] (four of a kind, Sevens)
iam23skidoo wins the pot (3,155) with four of a kind, Sevens
Unfortunately I could not make the chips work for me as I went out in 15th. On a good note, I got a token and used it on the HORSE tourney, which I am still hanging in right now. I need to make a token for the next Big Game and DADI X.
Also, I'll be playing in CC's inaugural Thursday game on PokerStars and you should too!!!

How not to play the hammer.
Full Tilt Poker Game #1216607240: The Mookie - Fish n Donks (8304316), Table 3 - 25/50 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:30:17 ET - 2006/11/08
Seat 3: iam23skidoo (1,565)
Seat 5: Maudie (2,428)
iam23skidoo posts the big blind of 50
Dealt to iam23skidoo [2s 7h]
Maudie raises to 200
iam23skidoo calls 150
Now, I thought about using the 'regular' hammer raise here, but I think Maudie is not stealing and has a solid hand. SO my plan here is just smooth call and bet out if the flop is blanks or scary. My plans are foiled though as this is the flop:
*** FLOP *** [7d 4d 7s]
Now I have to check since I know she will continuation bet this 'horrible' flop.
iam23skidoo checks
Maudie bets 400
iam23skidoo calls 400
Smooth call FTW!
*** TURN *** [7d 4d 7s] [7c]
DQB! thats right.... No way she can put me on 7's I'm just hoping she has a big pair.
iam23skidoo checks
Maudie checks
*** RIVER *** [7d 4d 7s 7c] [9d]
iam23skidoo bets 450
Gotta get something in the pot....maybe she puts me on the 9 or a smaller pair.
Maudie has 15 seconds left to act
Maudie raises to 1,000
iam23skidoo calls 515, and is all in
Maudie shows [Jh Js] (a full house, Sevens full of Jacks)
iam23skidoo shows [2s 7h] (four of a kind, Sevens)
iam23skidoo wins the pot (3,155) with four of a kind, Sevens
Unfortunately I could not make the chips work for me as I went out in 15th. On a good note, I got a token and used it on the HORSE tourney, which I am still hanging in right now. I need to make a token for the next Big Game and DADI X.
Also, I'll be playing in CC's inaugural Thursday game on PokerStars and you should too!!!
Seat 3: iam23skidoo (1,565)
Seat 5: Maudie (2,428)
iam23skidoo posts the big blind of 50
Dealt to iam23skidoo [2s 7h]
Maudie raises to 200
iam23skidoo calls 150
Now, I thought about using the 'regular' hammer raise here, but I think Maudie is not stealing and has a solid hand. SO my plan here is just smooth call and bet out if the flop is blanks or scary. My plans are foiled though as this is the flop:
*** FLOP *** [7d 4d 7s]
Now I have to check since I know she will continuation bet this 'horrible' flop.
iam23skidoo checks
Maudie bets 400
iam23skidoo calls 400
Smooth call FTW!
*** TURN *** [7d 4d 7s] [7c]
DQB! thats right.... No way she can put me on 7's I'm just hoping she has a big pair.
iam23skidoo checks
Maudie checks
*** RIVER *** [7d 4d 7s 7c] [9d]
iam23skidoo bets 450
Gotta get something in the pot....maybe she puts me on the 9 or a smaller pair.
Maudie has 15 seconds left to act
Maudie raises to 1,000
iam23skidoo calls 515, and is all in
Maudie shows [Jh Js] (a full house, Sevens full of Jacks)
iam23skidoo shows [2s 7h] (four of a kind, Sevens)
iam23skidoo wins the pot (3,155) with four of a kind, Sevens
Unfortunately I could not make the chips work for me as I went out in 15th. On a good note, I got a token and used it on the HORSE tourney, which I am still hanging in right now. I need to make a token for the next Big Game and DADI X.
Also, I'll be playing in CC's inaugural Thursday game on PokerStars and you should too!!!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Heads Up!!!
I've joined the Heads Up Challenge #4! There are a few spots left, so join in the fun!
I played last year and made it through exactly one hand, yes I'm a super donk! President Dave Lee flopped 2 pair and my TPTK was no goot, so I vow to make it at least 2 hands this go around.
On the other tourney front, I played well in both the Big Game and the HOY the last 2 days. In both games I played very solid poker until one fateful mistake.
I need to make adjustments later in the game (especially when I have a substantial chip stack). I know that most other players know I play a fairly aggressive style. I take shots with non-premium hands when position or stack dictates. I should know by the end of the tournament that people have picked up on my passive aggressive behavior and can manipulate me. This was not the case in either games as I was playing solidly.
In the Big Game, on the final table bubble. I protected my blind against stoner with A4o. Stoner had been stealing liberally and I felt he was just trying to make a move with a weak ace or something similar. flop comes with a 4 and I bet out....Stoner pushes and I KNOW he has over cards, I could have folded, putting me way short, but I felt I was ahead. He shows a sooted A3 and pulls a straight out. I'm not sure if I could have played this hand differently and it just goes out to luck.
In the MATH tourney with 5 left I get TT in the big blind. Wes makes a weakish raise in the CO and I make it ~1k. AKQ comes on the flop and like an idiot I represent the AK and put another 1k out there. Wes insta-pushed with JT sooted. Lucky bastard. In retrospect I should have put him on at least a weak Ace and been done with the hand post flop, but I just couldn't resist the chance to show my agg-donk style. That put me way down and I could not recover.
I was pissed, but I'm feeling better about my game than I have in awhile. I am playing with confidence and my payday will come.... Perhaps in the MOOK!!! See you there.
Just found this too. GO OUT AND VOTE!
I played last year and made it through exactly one hand, yes I'm a super donk! President Dave Lee flopped 2 pair and my TPTK was no goot, so I vow to make it at least 2 hands this go around.
On the other tourney front, I played well in both the Big Game and the HOY the last 2 days. In both games I played very solid poker until one fateful mistake.
I need to make adjustments later in the game (especially when I have a substantial chip stack). I know that most other players know I play a fairly aggressive style. I take shots with non-premium hands when position or stack dictates. I should know by the end of the tournament that people have picked up on my passive aggressive behavior and can manipulate me. This was not the case in either games as I was playing solidly.
In the Big Game, on the final table bubble. I protected my blind against stoner with A4o. Stoner had been stealing liberally and I felt he was just trying to make a move with a weak ace or something similar. flop comes with a 4 and I bet out....Stoner pushes and I KNOW he has over cards, I could have folded, putting me way short, but I felt I was ahead. He shows a sooted A3 and pulls a straight out. I'm not sure if I could have played this hand differently and it just goes out to luck.
In the MATH tourney with 5 left I get TT in the big blind. Wes makes a weakish raise in the CO and I make it ~1k. AKQ comes on the flop and like an idiot I represent the AK and put another 1k out there. Wes insta-pushed with JT sooted. Lucky bastard. In retrospect I should have put him on at least a weak Ace and been done with the hand post flop, but I just couldn't resist the chance to show my agg-donk style. That put me way down and I could not recover.
I was pissed, but I'm feeling better about my game than I have in awhile. I am playing with confidence and my payday will come.... Perhaps in the MOOK!!! See you there.
Just found this too. GO OUT AND VOTE!
Heads Up!!!
I've joined the Heads Up Challenge #4! There are a few spots left, so join in the fun!
I played last year and made it through exactly one hand, yes I'm a super donk! President Dave Lee flopped 2 pair and my TPTK was no goot, so I vow to make it at least 2 hands this go around.
On the other tourney front, I played well in both the Big Game and the HOY the last 2 days. In both games I played very solid poker until one fateful mistake.
I need to make adjustments later in the game (especially when I have a substantial chip stack). I know that most other players know I play a fairly aggressive style. I take shots with non-premium hands when position or stack dictates. I should know by the end of the tournament that people have picked up on my passive aggressive behavior and can manipulate me. This was not the case in either games as I was playing solidly.
In the Big Game, on the final table bubble. I protected my blind against stoner with A4o. Stoner had been stealing liberally and I felt he was just trying to make a move with a weak ace or something similar. flop comes with a 4 and I bet out....Stoner pushes and I KNOW he has over cards, I could have folded, putting me way short, but I felt I was ahead. He shows a sooted A3 and pulls a straight out. I'm not sure if I could have played this hand differently and it just goes out to luck.
In the MATH tourney with 5 left I get TT in the big blind. Wes makes a weakish raise in the CO and I make it ~1k. AKQ comes on the flop and like an idiot I represent the AK and put another 1k out there. Wes insta-pushed with JT sooted. Lucky bastard. In retrospect I should have put him on at least a weak Ace and been done with the hand post flop, but I just couldn't resist the chance to show my agg-donk style. That put me way down and I could not recover.
I was pissed, but I'm feeling better about my game than I have in awhile. I am playing with confidence and my payday will come.... Perhaps in the MOOK!!! See you there.
Just found this too. GO OUT AND VOTE!
I played last year and made it through exactly one hand, yes I'm a super donk! President Dave Lee flopped 2 pair and my TPTK was no goot, so I vow to make it at least 2 hands this go around.
On the other tourney front, I played well in both the Big Game and the HOY the last 2 days. In both games I played very solid poker until one fateful mistake.
I need to make adjustments later in the game (especially when I have a substantial chip stack). I know that most other players know I play a fairly aggressive style. I take shots with non-premium hands when position or stack dictates. I should know by the end of the tournament that people have picked up on my passive aggressive behavior and can manipulate me. This was not the case in either games as I was playing solidly.
In the Big Game, on the final table bubble. I protected my blind against stoner with A4o. Stoner had been stealing liberally and I felt he was just trying to make a move with a weak ace or something similar. flop comes with a 4 and I bet out....Stoner pushes and I KNOW he has over cards, I could have folded, putting me way short, but I felt I was ahead. He shows a sooted A3 and pulls a straight out. I'm not sure if I could have played this hand differently and it just goes out to luck.
In the MATH tourney with 5 left I get TT in the big blind. Wes makes a weakish raise in the CO and I make it ~1k. AKQ comes on the flop and like an idiot I represent the AK and put another 1k out there. Wes insta-pushed with JT sooted. Lucky bastard. In retrospect I should have put him on at least a weak Ace and been done with the hand post flop, but I just couldn't resist the chance to show my agg-donk style. That put me way down and I could not recover.
I was pissed, but I'm feeling better about my game than I have in awhile. I am playing with confidence and my payday will come.... Perhaps in the MOOK!!! See you there.
Just found this too. GO OUT AND VOTE!
Saturday, November 04, 2006
This is your 2 week notice!
Confirmed attendees:
TransFish AKA Mrs. Weak
Angela AKA Mrs Surf
king1112 No blog...he gets a pass, he's my brother.
Maybe's, or I cant remember.
SO..If you think you are coming and not on this list, then contact me!
23skidoo ATE gmail.com
Confirmed attendees:
TransFish AKA Mrs. Weak
Angela AKA Mrs Surf
king1112 No blog...he gets a pass, he's my brother.
Maybe's, or I cant remember.
SO..If you think you are coming and not on this list, then contact me!
23skidoo ATE gmail.com
This is your 2 week notice!
Confirmed attendees:
TransFish AKA Mrs. Weak
Angela AKA Mrs Surf
king1112 No blog...he gets a pass, he's my brother.
Maybe's, or I cant remember.
SO..If you think you are coming and not on this list, then contact me!
23skidoo ATE gmail.com
Confirmed attendees:
TransFish AKA Mrs. Weak
Angela AKA Mrs Surf
king1112 No blog...he gets a pass, he's my brother.
Maybe's, or I cant remember.
SO..If you think you are coming and not on this list, then contact me!
23skidoo ATE gmail.com
Friday, November 03, 2006
Pokery weekend!
Looks like I'll be playing all 3 nights this weekend.
Today, I enjoy cigar nite for the second straight week. My local cigar shop rocks! Every month or so Blue Havana has a customer appreciation nite when they will often have 2 or 3 cigar reps handing out free smokes, then offer deals on everything in the humidor.
Last week I tried the Los Blancos Maduro and loved it....I hope Dave (the owner) stocked up.
Tonight we get hand rolled cigars from LA AURORA....we shall see.
After the cigars I will attempt to lure the drunken fish to my house for cards. If that doesn't pan out, I'll be an SNG machine on FT. Cash games put a hurting on me Wednesday nite and I need to replenish the coffer.
Saturday night one of my n'hood buddies is having a poker party which should be fun. I suppose it will degenerate into high priced donk games near the end of the night. Do you recognize these games: LaCrosse (Iron Cross), Follow the queen, 5 variations of Baseball, Guts, Roll Your Own, Kings and little ones, Herbie, High and low Chicago....etc you get the picture.
Then SUNDAY is the BIG GAME...w00t!
Go out and get your token TODAY!!!! Have a great weekend.
Today, I enjoy cigar nite for the second straight week. My local cigar shop rocks! Every month or so Blue Havana has a customer appreciation nite when they will often have 2 or 3 cigar reps handing out free smokes, then offer deals on everything in the humidor.
Last week I tried the Los Blancos Maduro and loved it....I hope Dave (the owner) stocked up.
Tonight we get hand rolled cigars from LA AURORA....we shall see.
After the cigars I will attempt to lure the drunken fish to my house for cards. If that doesn't pan out, I'll be an SNG machine on FT. Cash games put a hurting on me Wednesday nite and I need to replenish the coffer.
Saturday night one of my n'hood buddies is having a poker party which should be fun. I suppose it will degenerate into high priced donk games near the end of the night. Do you recognize these games: LaCrosse (Iron Cross), Follow the queen, 5 variations of Baseball, Guts, Roll Your Own, Kings and little ones, Herbie, High and low Chicago....etc you get the picture.
Then SUNDAY is the BIG GAME...w00t!
Go out and get your token TODAY!!!! Have a great weekend.
Pokery weekend!
Looks like I'll be playing all 3 nights this weekend.
Today, I enjoy cigar nite for the second straight week. My local cigar shop rocks! Every month or so Blue Havana has a customer appreciation nite when they will often have 2 or 3 cigar reps handing out free smokes, then offer deals on everything in the humidor.
Last week I tried the Los Blancos Maduro and loved it....I hope Dave (the owner) stocked up.
Tonight we get hand rolled cigars from LA AURORA....we shall see.
After the cigars I will attempt to lure the drunken fish to my house for cards. If that doesn't pan out, I'll be an SNG machine on FT. Cash games put a hurting on me Wednesday nite and I need to replenish the coffer.
Saturday night one of my n'hood buddies is having a poker party which should be fun. I suppose it will degenerate into high priced donk games near the end of the night. Do you recognize these games: LaCrosse (Iron Cross), Follow the queen, 5 variations of Baseball, Guts, Roll Your Own, Kings and little ones, Herbie, High and low Chicago....etc you get the picture.
Then SUNDAY is the BIG GAME...w00t!
Go out and get your token TODAY!!!! Have a great weekend.
Today, I enjoy cigar nite for the second straight week. My local cigar shop rocks! Every month or so Blue Havana has a customer appreciation nite when they will often have 2 or 3 cigar reps handing out free smokes, then offer deals on everything in the humidor.
Last week I tried the Los Blancos Maduro and loved it....I hope Dave (the owner) stocked up.
Tonight we get hand rolled cigars from LA AURORA....we shall see.
After the cigars I will attempt to lure the drunken fish to my house for cards. If that doesn't pan out, I'll be an SNG machine on FT. Cash games put a hurting on me Wednesday nite and I need to replenish the coffer.
Saturday night one of my n'hood buddies is having a poker party which should be fun. I suppose it will degenerate into high priced donk games near the end of the night. Do you recognize these games: LaCrosse (Iron Cross), Follow the queen, 5 variations of Baseball, Guts, Roll Your Own, Kings and little ones, Herbie, High and low Chicago....etc you get the picture.
Then SUNDAY is the BIG GAME...w00t!
Go out and get your token TODAY!!!! Have a great weekend.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Leave it to me
Get smacked in the face with cards, become chip leader, commit 95% of my stack on low set..I rool.
I was so disgusted I hardly paid attention in the second chance until Hoychided me for not respecting his raise. Then I realized I was short stacked and pushed until I was out.
I can't really beat myself up too much about losing set over set, but I can be miffed at risking all my stack to do so. In my defense, I just wanted StatikKling out of the hand and gave him no consideration for having TT. I was just in amped up aggro mode thinking low set was gold on the AT2 flop.
I'm playing some live poker this weekend and will play in the mook next week. Part of the 'plan' is limiting my play, I need to work on optimizing my play now...
Hopefully we have a good crowd for the BIG GAME this is one I REALLY want to do well in, not just for the money, but for competition with some very respectable players....and the money is a bonus, especially since $60 of it ain't mine ;)
Really, if you haven't tried a token for this, you really should. If I can get one then almost anyone can.
Also, don't forget the Atlanta Poker Bloggers Tour stop at my house coming November 18TH !!!!!
If you need directions or more info please comment or contact me at 23skidoo AT Gmail donk com.
Also....JOIN HUC4!!! woot. I will be there to better last years game and actually play more than one hand.
I was so disgusted I hardly paid attention in the second chance until Hoychided me for not respecting his raise. Then I realized I was short stacked and pushed until I was out.
I can't really beat myself up too much about losing set over set, but I can be miffed at risking all my stack to do so. In my defense, I just wanted StatikKling out of the hand and gave him no consideration for having TT. I was just in amped up aggro mode thinking low set was gold on the AT2 flop.
I'm playing some live poker this weekend and will play in the mook next week. Part of the 'plan' is limiting my play, I need to work on optimizing my play now...
Hopefully we have a good crowd for the BIG GAME this is one I REALLY want to do well in, not just for the money, but for competition with some very respectable players....and the money is a bonus, especially since $60 of it ain't mine ;)
Really, if you haven't tried a token for this, you really should. If I can get one then almost anyone can.
Also, don't forget the Atlanta Poker Bloggers Tour stop at my house coming November 18TH !!!!!
If you need directions or more info please comment or contact me at 23skidoo AT Gmail donk com.
Also....JOIN HUC4!!! woot. I will be there to better last years game and actually play more than one hand.
Leave it to me
Get smacked in the face with cards, become chip leader, commit 95% of my stack on low set..I rool.
I was so disgusted I hardly paid attention in the second chance until Hoychided me for not respecting his raise. Then I realized I was short stacked and pushed until I was out.
I can't really beat myself up too much about losing set over set, but I can be miffed at risking all my stack to do so. In my defense, I just wanted StatikKling out of the hand and gave him no consideration for having TT. I was just in amped up aggro mode thinking low set was gold on the AT2 flop.
I'm playing some live poker this weekend and will play in the mook next week. Part of the 'plan' is limiting my play, I need to work on optimizing my play now...
Hopefully we have a good crowd for the BIG GAME this is one I REALLY want to do well in, not just for the money, but for competition with some very respectable players....and the money is a bonus, especially since $60 of it ain't mine ;)
Really, if you haven't tried a token for this, you really should. If I can get one then almost anyone can.
Also, don't forget the Atlanta Poker Bloggers Tour stop at my house coming November 18TH !!!!!
If you need directions or more info please comment or contact me at 23skidoo AT Gmail donk com.
Also....JOIN HUC4!!! woot. I will be there to better last years game and actually play more than one hand.
I was so disgusted I hardly paid attention in the second chance until Hoychided me for not respecting his raise. Then I realized I was short stacked and pushed until I was out.
I can't really beat myself up too much about losing set over set, but I can be miffed at risking all my stack to do so. In my defense, I just wanted StatikKling out of the hand and gave him no consideration for having TT. I was just in amped up aggro mode thinking low set was gold on the AT2 flop.
I'm playing some live poker this weekend and will play in the mook next week. Part of the 'plan' is limiting my play, I need to work on optimizing my play now...
Hopefully we have a good crowd for the BIG GAME this is one I REALLY want to do well in, not just for the money, but for competition with some very respectable players....and the money is a bonus, especially since $60 of it ain't mine ;)
Really, if you haven't tried a token for this, you really should. If I can get one then almost anyone can.
Also, don't forget the Atlanta Poker Bloggers Tour stop at my house coming November 18TH !!!!!
If you need directions or more info please comment or contact me at 23skidoo AT Gmail donk com.
Also....JOIN HUC4!!! woot. I will be there to better last years game and actually play more than one hand.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Pseudo live blogging my day
I had the idea a few months ago, but never really tried it.
Be warned! My days are usually very boring, so far today has been fairly eventful.
6:10 Alarm goes off
6:45 I am out the door with my school age children: MasterP and G1.
6:50 Bus comes and I am off to work.
7:45 Longer than normal trip to work. Drive distance ~15 miles. Did you happen to know that traffic in Atlanta sucks ass?
8:00 I make a flash with November Announcements and publish it to our intranet and welcome kiosks.
8:15 IT meeting. We discuss our victory at the Halloween contest yesterday. The sketch provides us with all the chances to make fun of the rest of the company to their face. More office politics BS ensues as it is announced another department will share 1st place with us. We're planning revenge.
9:00 I do all my SMS crap for the 1st part of the day.
9:30 I get my 2nd cup of coffee and oatmeal.
10:30 Zoned out and listened to the iPod, read some stuff and posted here. Copier dude is here to install big time new copier/printer/fax/coffee maker. I draw the short straw and am designated to hold his hand.
11:45 Set up the new print queues, send shortcuts to the new printers to the proper users. Explain to my boss how everything was done before he asks about it.
12:00 Lunch and a Haircut.
2:00 Run Afternoon SMS reports, Play a game of Pinball.
OI! I almost forgot to mention it is MasterP's 8th birthday!! Woot! He got what he wanted... a REAL football. Thats my boy.
2:15 Just read this: http://www.pokernews.com/news/2006/10/online-poker-players-rally.htm
3:15 HMM, Waffles left me a comment, and he was nice....I wonder if he started drinking early today?
3:30 I've read almost all the Bloglines from over the weekend.didnt leave a single comment...I suck..I'm ready to go home, but now I have to troubleshoot an Oracle problem....
4:00 Planning my escape.
4:45 I'm gone after a rousing game of ping-pong. Job is boring sometimes but the office rocks!
5:50 I pick up the little ones and come home. The kids go out to play and I fire up some spaghetti and meatballs for them....
6:00 Noodles are on, I sign up for the MOOK, I suggest you do the same!
8:09 Kids are fed and read to, they get 30 minutes of TV
8:24 Kids in bed. I started the Razz tourney with a tolken, I win the 4th hand with 8,6,4,2,A wow!.
8:27 I get $20 with jacks in my 50/1 table on this flop [Td 2h 5s 7c 2c]. Villain has the tourist. Donk half of that off on the next hand.
8:41 Dealer: iam23skidoo wins the pot (2,170) with 8,6,5,4,2 Zoinks! Thought I was dead for sure.....I'm in 4th place.
8:48 Win (1,270) with 7,6,5,3,2 2nd Place.
9:00 Back to my comfort zone. 23rd place ;)
9:17 Pulled a nice bluff....villain had stolen from me twice.
Full Tilt Poker Game #1181874260: Table Dronberger - $0.50/$1 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:15:07 ET - 2006/11/01
Seat 3: villain ($67.15)
Seat 6: iam23skidoo ($123.20)
Dealt to iam23skidoo [9c 8c]
seat 1 raises to $3
villain calls $3
iam23skidoo calls $3
seat7 calls $2
*** FLOP *** [Ts 3c Qd]
bb checks
seat1 checks
villain bets $4
I got a gut shot and a read on villain...I deside to try and set him up
iam23skidoo calls $4
both fold
*** TURN *** [Ts 3c Qd] [3d]
villain bets $6
sure the 3 helped you
iam23skidoo calls $6
*** RIVER *** [Ts 3c Qd 3d] [4c]
ok time to win the pot.....
iam23skidoo bets $32.50
villain folds....typical
iam23skidoo wins the pot ($30.90)
9:27 34th in the Razz tourney..I've been card dead too long.
9:36 Just got kicked in the junk in razz. 43rd dead last
9:40 IGH 42nd. Its a moral victory for my 2nd Razz MTT.
10:03 Mook starts!
I will direct you to mooks page for additional live blogging this tourney
10:10 Fuel55 and Quatloos are out. Wonder if anyone got fuels bounty.
10:11 I steal from SB with 69o...forget to show.
10:17 Steal with the tourist then win with 24o.
10:30 ugh....card dead
10:41 Not anymore 4 hands succession....AK 8T KK AK
Full Tilt Poker Game #1182321793: The Mookie - Lightning Strikes (8064150), Table 4 - 30/60 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:37:55 ET - 2006/11/01
Seat 1: TripJax (950)
Seat 2: TexansBaby (1,435)
Seat 3: TraumaPoker (6,220)
Seat 4: Drizztdj (2,165)
Seat 5: DontKnow (1,160)
Seat 6: iam23skidoo (2,070)
Seat 7: love_elf (1,140)
Seat 8: BrainMc (1,975)
Seat 9: summer_babe (1,210)
BrainMc posts the small blind of 30
summer_babe posts the big blind of 60
The button is in seat #7
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to iam23skidoo [Kh Kd]
BrainMc: another senseless donkey on donkey attack
TripJax folds
TexansBaby calls 60
iam23skidoo: rofl
Drizztdj: I blame Canada
TraumaPoker raises to 245
Drizztdj folds
DontKnow folds
iam23skidoo raises to 660
love_elf folds
BrainMc folds
Drizztdj: and John Kerry
summer_babe folds
BrainMc: lol
TexansBaby folds
TraumaPoker: what are pot odds
TraumaPoker: i think I am going to call then jam anyflop to get you to fold
Drizztdj: e= mc2
TraumaPoker: sound good
TraumaPoker has 15 seconds left to act
TraumaPoker calls 415
iam23skidoo: push or fold
*** FLOP *** [2h 9h Kc]
TraumaPoker bets 5,560, and is all in
iam23skidoo calls 1,410, and is all in
TraumaPoker shows [9d 8c]
iam23skidoo shows [Kh Kd]
Uncalled bet of 4,150 returned to TraumaPoker
TripJax: confused donkeys says, "what does the 300 in front of the mean donkey mean?"
*** TURN *** [2h 9h Kc] [2c]
TraumaPoker: ahhh yessss
*** RIVER *** [2h 9h Kc 2c] [7c]
TraumaPoker shows two pair, Nines and Twos
iam23skidoo shows a full house, Kings full of Twos
iam23skidoo wins the pot (4,290) with a full house, Kings full of Twos
TraumaPoker: i call that timing folks
I lose with 55 vs the hammer
then this:
Full Tilt Poker Game #1182347604: The Mookie - Lightning Strikes (8064150), Table 4 - 40/80 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:42:36 ET - 2006/11/01
TexansBaby: nice
Seat 1: TripJax (1,840)
Seat 2: TexansBaby (1,285)
Seat 3: TraumaPoker (2,015)
Seat 4: Drizztdj (4,290)
Seat 5: DontKnow (1,080)
Seat 6: iam23skidoo (3,990)
Seat 7: love_elf (760)
Seat 8: BrainMc (1,945)
Seat 9: summer_babe (1,120)
DontKnow posts the small blind of 40
iam23skidoo posts the big blind of 80
iam23skidoo: nice
Drizztdj: hammmah!
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to iam23skidoo [8s 8h]
iam23skidoo: I blame fuel
BrainMc raises to 240
iam23skidoo calls 160
*** FLOP *** [6d 4c Qs]
TripJax: i'm gonna have to final table this biatch now
iam23skidoo bets 400
BrainMc raises to 800
iam23skidoo calls 400
*** TURN *** [6d 4c Qs] [9h]
iam23skidoo bets 960
TripJax: sry ski
iam23skidoo: np
BrainMc has 15 seconds left to act
iam23skidoo: bad call
BrainMc calls 905, and is all in
iam23skidoo shows [8s 8h]
BrainMc shows [5h 5d]
Uncalled bet of 55 returned to iam23skidoo
*** RIVER *** [6d 4c Qs 9h] [Js]
BrainMc: phuck
iam23skidoo shows a pair of Eights
BrainMc shows a pair of Fives
iam23skidoo wins the pot (3,930) with a pair of Eights
10:57 Lost 1500 with pocket 66 flop comes AA5...doh!
10:59 Stole with sooted connectors. I'm in 3rd.
11:09 AJsooted..no callers. 5th place.
11:13 AK holds up...Back to 3rd
11:18 AJo holds twice... I'm in 1st by alot
11:19 66 vs KK no goot. still in first.
11:21 AA vs 99 I win!
11:28 22 left. I'm chillin.
11:52 I lose a HUGE pot with a set of 2s vs 10's
I feel like kicking myself.
I'm gone with 66 vs 9T. ugh
12:17 I regroup and join a 6 handed 1/2
First 2 hands I win $70..i feel slightly better.
1AM Bed time. Nite.
Be warned! My days are usually very boring, so far today has been fairly eventful.
6:10 Alarm goes off
6:45 I am out the door with my school age children: MasterP and G1.
6:50 Bus comes and I am off to work.
7:45 Longer than normal trip to work. Drive distance ~15 miles. Did you happen to know that traffic in Atlanta sucks ass?
8:00 I make a flash with November Announcements and publish it to our intranet and welcome kiosks.
8:15 IT meeting. We discuss our victory at the Halloween contest yesterday. The sketch provides us with all the chances to make fun of the rest of the company to their face. More office politics BS ensues as it is announced another department will share 1st place with us. We're planning revenge.
9:00 I do all my SMS crap for the 1st part of the day.
9:30 I get my 2nd cup of coffee and oatmeal.
10:30 Zoned out and listened to the iPod, read some stuff and posted here. Copier dude is here to install big time new copier/printer/fax/coffee maker. I draw the short straw and am designated to hold his hand.
11:45 Set up the new print queues, send shortcuts to the new printers to the proper users. Explain to my boss how everything was done before he asks about it.
12:00 Lunch and a Haircut.
2:00 Run Afternoon SMS reports, Play a game of Pinball.
OI! I almost forgot to mention it is MasterP's 8th birthday!! Woot! He got what he wanted... a REAL football. Thats my boy.
2:15 Just read this: http://www.pokernews.com/news/2006/10/online-poker-players-rally.htm
3:15 HMM, Waffles left me a comment, and he was nice....I wonder if he started drinking early today?
3:30 I've read almost all the Bloglines from over the weekend.didnt leave a single comment...I suck..I'm ready to go home, but now I have to troubleshoot an Oracle problem....
4:00 Planning my escape.
4:45 I'm gone after a rousing game of ping-pong. Job is boring sometimes but the office rocks!
5:50 I pick up the little ones and come home. The kids go out to play and I fire up some spaghetti and meatballs for them....
6:00 Noodles are on, I sign up for the MOOK, I suggest you do the same!
8:09 Kids are fed and read to, they get 30 minutes of TV
8:24 Kids in bed. I started the Razz tourney with a tolken, I win the 4th hand with 8,6,4,2,A wow!.
8:27 I get $20 with jacks in my 50/1 table on this flop [Td 2h 5s 7c 2c]. Villain has the tourist. Donk half of that off on the next hand.
8:41 Dealer: iam23skidoo wins the pot (2,170) with 8,6,5,4,2 Zoinks! Thought I was dead for sure.....I'm in 4th place.
8:48 Win (1,270) with 7,6,5,3,2 2nd Place.
9:00 Back to my comfort zone. 23rd place ;)
9:17 Pulled a nice bluff....villain had stolen from me twice.
Full Tilt Poker Game #1181874260: Table Dronberger - $0.50/$1 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:15:07 ET - 2006/11/01
Seat 3: villain ($67.15)
Seat 6: iam23skidoo ($123.20)
Dealt to iam23skidoo [9c 8c]
seat 1 raises to $3
villain calls $3
iam23skidoo calls $3
seat7 calls $2
*** FLOP *** [Ts 3c Qd]
bb checks
seat1 checks
villain bets $4
I got a gut shot and a read on villain...I deside to try and set him up
iam23skidoo calls $4
both fold
*** TURN *** [Ts 3c Qd] [3d]
villain bets $6
sure the 3 helped you
iam23skidoo calls $6
*** RIVER *** [Ts 3c Qd 3d] [4c]
ok time to win the pot.....
iam23skidoo bets $32.50
villain folds....typical
iam23skidoo wins the pot ($30.90)
9:27 34th in the Razz tourney..I've been card dead too long.
9:36 Just got kicked in the junk in razz. 43rd dead last
9:40 IGH 42nd. Its a moral victory for my 2nd Razz MTT.
10:03 Mook starts!
I will direct you to mooks page for additional live blogging this tourney
10:10 Fuel55 and Quatloos are out. Wonder if anyone got fuels bounty.
10:11 I steal from SB with 69o...forget to show.
10:17 Steal with the tourist then win with 24o.
10:30 ugh....card dead
10:41 Not anymore 4 hands succession....AK 8T KK AK
Full Tilt Poker Game #1182321793: The Mookie - Lightning Strikes (8064150), Table 4 - 30/60 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:37:55 ET - 2006/11/01
Seat 1: TripJax (950)
Seat 2: TexansBaby (1,435)
Seat 3: TraumaPoker (6,220)
Seat 4: Drizztdj (2,165)
Seat 5: DontKnow (1,160)
Seat 6: iam23skidoo (2,070)
Seat 7: love_elf (1,140)
Seat 8: BrainMc (1,975)
Seat 9: summer_babe (1,210)
BrainMc posts the small blind of 30
summer_babe posts the big blind of 60
The button is in seat #7
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to iam23skidoo [Kh Kd]
BrainMc: another senseless donkey on donkey attack
TripJax folds
TexansBaby calls 60
iam23skidoo: rofl
Drizztdj: I blame Canada
TraumaPoker raises to 245
Drizztdj folds
DontKnow folds
iam23skidoo raises to 660
love_elf folds
BrainMc folds
Drizztdj: and John Kerry
summer_babe folds
BrainMc: lol
TexansBaby folds
TraumaPoker: what are pot odds
TraumaPoker: i think I am going to call then jam anyflop to get you to fold
Drizztdj: e= mc2
TraumaPoker: sound good
TraumaPoker has 15 seconds left to act
TraumaPoker calls 415
iam23skidoo: push or fold
*** FLOP *** [2h 9h Kc]
TraumaPoker bets 5,560, and is all in
iam23skidoo calls 1,410, and is all in
TraumaPoker shows [9d 8c]
iam23skidoo shows [Kh Kd]
Uncalled bet of 4,150 returned to TraumaPoker
TripJax: confused donkeys says, "what does the 300 in front of the mean donkey mean?"
*** TURN *** [2h 9h Kc] [2c]
TraumaPoker: ahhh yessss
*** RIVER *** [2h 9h Kc 2c] [7c]
TraumaPoker shows two pair, Nines and Twos
iam23skidoo shows a full house, Kings full of Twos
iam23skidoo wins the pot (4,290) with a full house, Kings full of Twos
TraumaPoker: i call that timing folks
I lose with 55 vs the hammer
then this:
Full Tilt Poker Game #1182347604: The Mookie - Lightning Strikes (8064150), Table 4 - 40/80 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:42:36 ET - 2006/11/01
TexansBaby: nice
Seat 1: TripJax (1,840)
Seat 2: TexansBaby (1,285)
Seat 3: TraumaPoker (2,015)
Seat 4: Drizztdj (4,290)
Seat 5: DontKnow (1,080)
Seat 6: iam23skidoo (3,990)
Seat 7: love_elf (760)
Seat 8: BrainMc (1,945)
Seat 9: summer_babe (1,120)
DontKnow posts the small blind of 40
iam23skidoo posts the big blind of 80
iam23skidoo: nice
Drizztdj: hammmah!
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to iam23skidoo [8s 8h]
iam23skidoo: I blame fuel
BrainMc raises to 240
iam23skidoo calls 160
*** FLOP *** [6d 4c Qs]
TripJax: i'm gonna have to final table this biatch now
iam23skidoo bets 400
BrainMc raises to 800
iam23skidoo calls 400
*** TURN *** [6d 4c Qs] [9h]
iam23skidoo bets 960
TripJax: sry ski
iam23skidoo: np
BrainMc has 15 seconds left to act
iam23skidoo: bad call
BrainMc calls 905, and is all in
iam23skidoo shows [8s 8h]
BrainMc shows [5h 5d]
Uncalled bet of 55 returned to iam23skidoo
*** RIVER *** [6d 4c Qs 9h] [Js]
BrainMc: phuck
iam23skidoo shows a pair of Eights
BrainMc shows a pair of Fives
iam23skidoo wins the pot (3,930) with a pair of Eights
10:57 Lost 1500 with pocket 66 flop comes AA5...doh!
10:59 Stole with sooted connectors. I'm in 3rd.
11:09 AJsooted..no callers. 5th place.
11:13 AK holds up...Back to 3rd
11:18 AJo holds twice... I'm in 1st by alot
11:19 66 vs KK no goot. still in first.
11:21 AA vs 99 I win!
11:28 22 left. I'm chillin.
11:52 I lose a HUGE pot with a set of 2s vs 10's
I feel like kicking myself.
I'm gone with 66 vs 9T. ugh
12:17 I regroup and join a 6 handed 1/2
First 2 hands I win $70..i feel slightly better.
1AM Bed time. Nite.
Pseudo live blogging my day
I had the idea a few months ago, but never really tried it.
Be warned! My days are usually very boring, so far today has been fairly eventful.
6:10 Alarm goes off
6:45 I am out the door with my school age children: MasterP and G1.
6:50 Bus comes and I am off to work.
7:45 Longer than normal trip to work. Drive distance ~15 miles. Did you happen to know that traffic in Atlanta sucks ass?
8:00 I make a flash with November Announcements and publish it to our intranet and welcome kiosks.
8:15 IT meeting. We discuss our victory at the Halloween contest yesterday. The sketch provides us with all the chances to make fun of the rest of the company to their face. More office politics BS ensues as it is announced another department will share 1st place with us. We're planning revenge.
9:00 I do all my SMS crap for the 1st part of the day.
9:30 I get my 2nd cup of coffee and oatmeal.
10:30 Zoned out and listened to the iPod, read some stuff and posted here. Copier dude is here to install big time new copier/printer/fax/coffee maker. I draw the short straw and am designated to hold his hand.
11:45 Set up the new print queues, send shortcuts to the new printers to the proper users. Explain to my boss how everything was done before he asks about it.
12:00 Lunch and a Haircut.
2:00 Run Afternoon SMS reports, Play a game of Pinball.
OI! I almost forgot to mention it is MasterP's 8th birthday!! Woot! He got what he wanted... a REAL football. Thats my boy.
2:15 Just read this: http://www.pokernews.com/news/2006/10/online-poker-players-rally.htm
3:15 HMM, Waffles left me a comment, and he was nice....I wonder if he started drinking early today?
3:30 I've read almost all the Bloglines from over the weekend.didnt leave a single comment...I suck..I'm ready to go home, but now I have to troubleshoot an Oracle problem....
4:00 Planning my escape.
4:45 I'm gone after a rousing game of ping-pong. Job is boring sometimes but the office rocks!
5:50 I pick up the little ones and come home. The kids go out to play and I fire up some spaghetti and meatballs for them....
6:00 Noodles are on, I sign up for the MOOK, I suggest you do the same!
8:09 Kids are fed and read to, they get 30 minutes of TV
8:24 Kids in bed. I started the Razz tourney with a tolken, I win the 4th hand with 8,6,4,2,A wow!.
8:27 I get $20 with jacks in my 50/1 table on this flop [Td 2h 5s 7c 2c]. Villain has the tourist. Donk half of that off on the next hand.
8:41 Dealer: iam23skidoo wins the pot (2,170) with 8,6,5,4,2 Zoinks! Thought I was dead for sure.....I'm in 4th place.
8:48 Win (1,270) with 7,6,5,3,2 2nd Place.
9:00 Back to my comfort zone. 23rd place ;)
9:17 Pulled a nice bluff....villain had stolen from me twice.
Full Tilt Poker Game #1181874260: Table Dronberger - $0.50/$1 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:15:07 ET - 2006/11/01
Seat 3: villain ($67.15)
Seat 6: iam23skidoo ($123.20)
Dealt to iam23skidoo [9c 8c]
seat 1 raises to $3
villain calls $3
iam23skidoo calls $3
seat7 calls $2
*** FLOP *** [Ts 3c Qd]
bb checks
seat1 checks
villain bets $4
I got a gut shot and a read on villain...I deside to try and set him up
iam23skidoo calls $4
both fold
*** TURN *** [Ts 3c Qd] [3d]
villain bets $6
sure the 3 helped you
iam23skidoo calls $6
*** RIVER *** [Ts 3c Qd 3d] [4c]
ok time to win the pot.....
iam23skidoo bets $32.50
villain folds....typical
iam23skidoo wins the pot ($30.90)
9:27 34th in the Razz tourney..I've been card dead too long.
9:36 Just got kicked in the junk in razz. 43rd dead last
9:40 IGH 42nd. Its a moral victory for my 2nd Razz MTT.
10:03 Mook starts!
I will direct you to mooks page for additional live blogging this tourney
10:10 Fuel55 and Quatloos are out. Wonder if anyone got fuels bounty.
10:11 I steal from SB with 69o...forget to show.
10:17 Steal with the tourist then win with 24o.
10:30 ugh....card dead
10:41 Not anymore 4 hands succession....AK 8T KK AK
Full Tilt Poker Game #1182321793: The Mookie - Lightning Strikes (8064150), Table 4 - 30/60 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:37:55 ET - 2006/11/01
Seat 1: TripJax (950)
Seat 2: TexansBaby (1,435)
Seat 3: TraumaPoker (6,220)
Seat 4: Drizztdj (2,165)
Seat 5: DontKnow (1,160)
Seat 6: iam23skidoo (2,070)
Seat 7: love_elf (1,140)
Seat 8: BrainMc (1,975)
Seat 9: summer_babe (1,210)
BrainMc posts the small blind of 30
summer_babe posts the big blind of 60
The button is in seat #7
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to iam23skidoo [Kh Kd]
BrainMc: another senseless donkey on donkey attack
TripJax folds
TexansBaby calls 60
iam23skidoo: rofl
Drizztdj: I blame Canada
TraumaPoker raises to 245
Drizztdj folds
DontKnow folds
iam23skidoo raises to 660
love_elf folds
BrainMc folds
Drizztdj: and John Kerry
summer_babe folds
BrainMc: lol
TexansBaby folds
TraumaPoker: what are pot odds
TraumaPoker: i think I am going to call then jam anyflop to get you to fold
Drizztdj: e= mc2
TraumaPoker: sound good
TraumaPoker has 15 seconds left to act
TraumaPoker calls 415
iam23skidoo: push or fold
*** FLOP *** [2h 9h Kc]
TraumaPoker bets 5,560, and is all in
iam23skidoo calls 1,410, and is all in
TraumaPoker shows [9d 8c]
iam23skidoo shows [Kh Kd]
Uncalled bet of 4,150 returned to TraumaPoker
TripJax: confused donkeys says, "what does the 300 in front of the mean donkey mean?"
*** TURN *** [2h 9h Kc] [2c]
TraumaPoker: ahhh yessss
*** RIVER *** [2h 9h Kc 2c] [7c]
TraumaPoker shows two pair, Nines and Twos
iam23skidoo shows a full house, Kings full of Twos
iam23skidoo wins the pot (4,290) with a full house, Kings full of Twos
TraumaPoker: i call that timing folks
I lose with 55 vs the hammer
then this:
Full Tilt Poker Game #1182347604: The Mookie - Lightning Strikes (8064150), Table 4 - 40/80 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:42:36 ET - 2006/11/01
TexansBaby: nice
Seat 1: TripJax (1,840)
Seat 2: TexansBaby (1,285)
Seat 3: TraumaPoker (2,015)
Seat 4: Drizztdj (4,290)
Seat 5: DontKnow (1,080)
Seat 6: iam23skidoo (3,990)
Seat 7: love_elf (760)
Seat 8: BrainMc (1,945)
Seat 9: summer_babe (1,120)
DontKnow posts the small blind of 40
iam23skidoo posts the big blind of 80
iam23skidoo: nice
Drizztdj: hammmah!
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to iam23skidoo [8s 8h]
iam23skidoo: I blame fuel
BrainMc raises to 240
iam23skidoo calls 160
*** FLOP *** [6d 4c Qs]
TripJax: i'm gonna have to final table this biatch now
iam23skidoo bets 400
BrainMc raises to 800
iam23skidoo calls 400
*** TURN *** [6d 4c Qs] [9h]
iam23skidoo bets 960
TripJax: sry ski
iam23skidoo: np
BrainMc has 15 seconds left to act
iam23skidoo: bad call
BrainMc calls 905, and is all in
iam23skidoo shows [8s 8h]
BrainMc shows [5h 5d]
Uncalled bet of 55 returned to iam23skidoo
*** RIVER *** [6d 4c Qs 9h] [Js]
BrainMc: phuck
iam23skidoo shows a pair of Eights
BrainMc shows a pair of Fives
iam23skidoo wins the pot (3,930) with a pair of Eights
10:57 Lost 1500 with pocket 66 flop comes AA5...doh!
10:59 Stole with sooted connectors. I'm in 3rd.
11:09 AJsooted..no callers. 5th place.
11:13 AK holds up...Back to 3rd
11:18 AJo holds twice... I'm in 1st by alot
11:19 66 vs KK no goot. still in first.
11:21 AA vs 99 I win!
11:28 22 left. I'm chillin.
11:52 I lose a HUGE pot with a set of 2s vs 10's
I feel like kicking myself.
I'm gone with 66 vs 9T. ugh
12:17 I regroup and join a 6 handed 1/2
First 2 hands I win $70..i feel slightly better.
1AM Bed time. Nite.
Be warned! My days are usually very boring, so far today has been fairly eventful.
6:10 Alarm goes off
6:45 I am out the door with my school age children: MasterP and G1.
6:50 Bus comes and I am off to work.
7:45 Longer than normal trip to work. Drive distance ~15 miles. Did you happen to know that traffic in Atlanta sucks ass?
8:00 I make a flash with November Announcements and publish it to our intranet and welcome kiosks.
8:15 IT meeting. We discuss our victory at the Halloween contest yesterday. The sketch provides us with all the chances to make fun of the rest of the company to their face. More office politics BS ensues as it is announced another department will share 1st place with us. We're planning revenge.
9:00 I do all my SMS crap for the 1st part of the day.
9:30 I get my 2nd cup of coffee and oatmeal.
10:30 Zoned out and listened to the iPod, read some stuff and posted here. Copier dude is here to install big time new copier/printer/fax/coffee maker. I draw the short straw and am designated to hold his hand.
11:45 Set up the new print queues, send shortcuts to the new printers to the proper users. Explain to my boss how everything was done before he asks about it.
12:00 Lunch and a Haircut.
2:00 Run Afternoon SMS reports, Play a game of Pinball.
OI! I almost forgot to mention it is MasterP's 8th birthday!! Woot! He got what he wanted... a REAL football. Thats my boy.
2:15 Just read this: http://www.pokernews.com/news/2006/10/online-poker-players-rally.htm
3:15 HMM, Waffles left me a comment, and he was nice....I wonder if he started drinking early today?
3:30 I've read almost all the Bloglines from over the weekend.didnt leave a single comment...I suck..I'm ready to go home, but now I have to troubleshoot an Oracle problem....
4:00 Planning my escape.
4:45 I'm gone after a rousing game of ping-pong. Job is boring sometimes but the office rocks!
5:50 I pick up the little ones and come home. The kids go out to play and I fire up some spaghetti and meatballs for them....
6:00 Noodles are on, I sign up for the MOOK, I suggest you do the same!
8:09 Kids are fed and read to, they get 30 minutes of TV
8:24 Kids in bed. I started the Razz tourney with a tolken, I win the 4th hand with 8,6,4,2,A wow!.
8:27 I get $20 with jacks in my 50/1 table on this flop [Td 2h 5s 7c 2c]. Villain has the tourist. Donk half of that off on the next hand.
8:41 Dealer: iam23skidoo wins the pot (2,170) with 8,6,5,4,2 Zoinks! Thought I was dead for sure.....I'm in 4th place.
8:48 Win (1,270) with 7,6,5,3,2 2nd Place.
9:00 Back to my comfort zone. 23rd place ;)
9:17 Pulled a nice bluff....villain had stolen from me twice.
Full Tilt Poker Game #1181874260: Table Dronberger - $0.50/$1 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:15:07 ET - 2006/11/01
Seat 3: villain ($67.15)
Seat 6: iam23skidoo ($123.20)
Dealt to iam23skidoo [9c 8c]
seat 1 raises to $3
villain calls $3
iam23skidoo calls $3
seat7 calls $2
*** FLOP *** [Ts 3c Qd]
bb checks
seat1 checks
villain bets $4
I got a gut shot and a read on villain...I deside to try and set him up
iam23skidoo calls $4
both fold
*** TURN *** [Ts 3c Qd] [3d]
villain bets $6
sure the 3 helped you
iam23skidoo calls $6
*** RIVER *** [Ts 3c Qd 3d] [4c]
ok time to win the pot.....
iam23skidoo bets $32.50
villain folds....typical
iam23skidoo wins the pot ($30.90)
9:27 34th in the Razz tourney..I've been card dead too long.
9:36 Just got kicked in the junk in razz. 43rd dead last
9:40 IGH 42nd. Its a moral victory for my 2nd Razz MTT.
10:03 Mook starts!
I will direct you to mooks page for additional live blogging this tourney
10:10 Fuel55 and Quatloos are out. Wonder if anyone got fuels bounty.
10:11 I steal from SB with 69o...forget to show.
10:17 Steal with the tourist then win with 24o.
10:30 ugh....card dead
10:41 Not anymore 4 hands succession....AK 8T KK AK
Full Tilt Poker Game #1182321793: The Mookie - Lightning Strikes (8064150), Table 4 - 30/60 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:37:55 ET - 2006/11/01
Seat 1: TripJax (950)
Seat 2: TexansBaby (1,435)
Seat 3: TraumaPoker (6,220)
Seat 4: Drizztdj (2,165)
Seat 5: DontKnow (1,160)
Seat 6: iam23skidoo (2,070)
Seat 7: love_elf (1,140)
Seat 8: BrainMc (1,975)
Seat 9: summer_babe (1,210)
BrainMc posts the small blind of 30
summer_babe posts the big blind of 60
The button is in seat #7
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to iam23skidoo [Kh Kd]
BrainMc: another senseless donkey on donkey attack
TripJax folds
TexansBaby calls 60
iam23skidoo: rofl
Drizztdj: I blame Canada
TraumaPoker raises to 245
Drizztdj folds
DontKnow folds
iam23skidoo raises to 660
love_elf folds
BrainMc folds
Drizztdj: and John Kerry
summer_babe folds
BrainMc: lol
TexansBaby folds
TraumaPoker: what are pot odds
TraumaPoker: i think I am going to call then jam anyflop to get you to fold
Drizztdj: e= mc2
TraumaPoker: sound good
TraumaPoker has 15 seconds left to act
TraumaPoker calls 415
iam23skidoo: push or fold
*** FLOP *** [2h 9h Kc]
TraumaPoker bets 5,560, and is all in
iam23skidoo calls 1,410, and is all in
TraumaPoker shows [9d 8c]
iam23skidoo shows [Kh Kd]
Uncalled bet of 4,150 returned to TraumaPoker
TripJax: confused donkeys says, "what does the 300 in front of the mean donkey mean?"
*** TURN *** [2h 9h Kc] [2c]
TraumaPoker: ahhh yessss
*** RIVER *** [2h 9h Kc 2c] [7c]
TraumaPoker shows two pair, Nines and Twos
iam23skidoo shows a full house, Kings full of Twos
iam23skidoo wins the pot (4,290) with a full house, Kings full of Twos
TraumaPoker: i call that timing folks
I lose with 55 vs the hammer
then this:
Full Tilt Poker Game #1182347604: The Mookie - Lightning Strikes (8064150), Table 4 - 40/80 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:42:36 ET - 2006/11/01
TexansBaby: nice
Seat 1: TripJax (1,840)
Seat 2: TexansBaby (1,285)
Seat 3: TraumaPoker (2,015)
Seat 4: Drizztdj (4,290)
Seat 5: DontKnow (1,080)
Seat 6: iam23skidoo (3,990)
Seat 7: love_elf (760)
Seat 8: BrainMc (1,945)
Seat 9: summer_babe (1,120)
DontKnow posts the small blind of 40
iam23skidoo posts the big blind of 80
iam23skidoo: nice
Drizztdj: hammmah!
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to iam23skidoo [8s 8h]
iam23skidoo: I blame fuel
BrainMc raises to 240
iam23skidoo calls 160
*** FLOP *** [6d 4c Qs]
TripJax: i'm gonna have to final table this biatch now
iam23skidoo bets 400
BrainMc raises to 800
iam23skidoo calls 400
*** TURN *** [6d 4c Qs] [9h]
iam23skidoo bets 960
TripJax: sry ski
iam23skidoo: np
BrainMc has 15 seconds left to act
iam23skidoo: bad call
BrainMc calls 905, and is all in
iam23skidoo shows [8s 8h]
BrainMc shows [5h 5d]
Uncalled bet of 55 returned to iam23skidoo
*** RIVER *** [6d 4c Qs 9h] [Js]
BrainMc: phuck
iam23skidoo shows a pair of Eights
BrainMc shows a pair of Fives
iam23skidoo wins the pot (3,930) with a pair of Eights
10:57 Lost 1500 with pocket 66 flop comes AA5...doh!
10:59 Stole with sooted connectors. I'm in 3rd.
11:09 AJsooted..no callers. 5th place.
11:13 AK holds up...Back to 3rd
11:18 AJo holds twice... I'm in 1st by alot
11:19 66 vs KK no goot. still in first.
11:21 AA vs 99 I win!
11:28 22 left. I'm chillin.
11:52 I lose a HUGE pot with a set of 2s vs 10's
I feel like kicking myself.
I'm gone with 66 vs 9T. ugh
12:17 I regroup and join a 6 handed 1/2
First 2 hands I win $70..i feel slightly better.
1AM Bed time. Nite.
Burning Inside
Friday panned out a little differently as the Friday crowd at the cigar shop was larger than normal and the wife's plans changed at the last minute. So I selfishly hung out and watched the World Series, smoked a few stogies and played cards. Two of my buddies are card players and degenerate gamblers as well, so we played some all or nothing SNG's and were betting HI-card on the flop. A good time was had by all, winning enough to cover the smokes and the beer, with a bit left over helps.
Thus ends poker for me for the weekend.
Saturday turned from project day to hang out with the friends we saw at the pumpkin patch day, and I was able to watch a vast majority of the GA-FLA game. It was predictably disappointing, but GA did cover, which I predicted as well. We had a great dinner with our friends as I made my top-notch Potato soup to go with their Raclette, which I have never tried. It is similar to fondue I suppose, but not greasy.
Anywho, I haven't been terribly motivated to play cards, which is a shame, since I've been doing fairy well. But part of 'the plan' is to play only when I am in the frame of mind to do so, and that hasn't happened since Friday.
I'll be ready for the mook tonight so hopefully I can make a good showing.
Thus ends poker for me for the weekend.
Saturday turned from project day to hang out with the friends we saw at the pumpkin patch day, and I was able to watch a vast majority of the GA-FLA game. It was predictably disappointing, but GA did cover, which I predicted as well. We had a great dinner with our friends as I made my top-notch Potato soup to go with their Raclette, which I have never tried. It is similar to fondue I suppose, but not greasy.
Anywho, I haven't been terribly motivated to play cards, which is a shame, since I've been doing fairy well. But part of 'the plan' is to play only when I am in the frame of mind to do so, and that hasn't happened since Friday.
I'll be ready for the mook tonight so hopefully I can make a good showing.
Burning Inside
Friday panned out a little differently as the Friday crowd at the cigar shop was larger than normal and the wife's plans changed at the last minute. So I selfishly hung out and watched the World Series, smoked a few stogies and played cards. Two of my buddies are card players and degenerate gamblers as well, so we played some all or nothing SNG's and were betting HI-card on the flop. A good time was had by all, winning enough to cover the smokes and the beer, with a bit left over helps.
Thus ends poker for me for the weekend.
Saturday turned from project day to hang out with the friends we saw at the pumpkin patch day, and I was able to watch a vast majority of the GA-FLA game. It was predictably disappointing, but GA did cover, which I predicted as well. We had a great dinner with our friends as I made my top-notch Potato soup to go with their Raclette, which I have never tried. It is similar to fondue I suppose, but not greasy.
Anywho, I haven't been terribly motivated to play cards, which is a shame, since I've been doing fairy well. But part of 'the plan' is to play only when I am in the frame of mind to do so, and that hasn't happened since Friday.
I'll be ready for the mook tonight so hopefully I can make a good showing.
Thus ends poker for me for the weekend.
Saturday turned from project day to hang out with the friends we saw at the pumpkin patch day, and I was able to watch a vast majority of the GA-FLA game. It was predictably disappointing, but GA did cover, which I predicted as well. We had a great dinner with our friends as I made my top-notch Potato soup to go with their Raclette, which I have never tried. It is similar to fondue I suppose, but not greasy.
Anywho, I haven't been terribly motivated to play cards, which is a shame, since I've been doing fairy well. But part of 'the plan' is to play only when I am in the frame of mind to do so, and that hasn't happened since Friday.
I'll be ready for the mook tonight so hopefully I can make a good showing.
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