Thursday, November 09, 2006

CC's Thursday Bash

Feels good to take down another blogger game....I knew I was feeling good on tourney tables and this really went well.

Down to 5 handed things started getting crazy as the chip lead changed several times. Eventually I caught trip 8's to cripple our humble host heads up and take the inaugural CC's Thursday Bash.

Congrats on a great game go out to CC! Also kudos to the Pirate for taking 3rd and Lok1 for bubble boy. And who can not forget Kat who got fooked on the bubble again!..


SirFWALGMan said...

Why the hell did you let CC win? Poor kitty. She has been having it rough lately. Good job donk, I may have to upgrade you to Llama.

BigPirate said...

Nice job last night. I'm sure I'll see you around soon.

Anonymous said...

Nice job taking 'er down!!

23skidoo said...

Reading comprehension is your friend Waffles, coherency is not. I was hoping to move right into dromedary status.

Thanks Pirate and windbreak! See you at the tables.

CarmenSinCity said...

Congratulations on taking it down last night. Watch out because next week I might actually play the WHOLE game.