Tuesday, November 29, 2005
when your feeling like hell
just a little
I played live last week with the boys. We played a couple of NLHE tourneys, then OH8(which I won). The we played some 2-4 limit, which is really becoming fun for me. I was up a good bit before beginning to play dealers choice. We had some fun playing wild card games. I taught them lacrosse, I game I generally don't like, but felt I had an edge. I won a good pot or two then lost most of my winnings(~$150) on one hand. We played until amost 6am, so Saturday was a bunch of fun for me.
when your feeling like hell
just a little
I played live last week with the boys. We played a couple of NLHE tourneys, then OH8(which I won). The we played some 2-4 limit, which is really becoming fun for me. I was up a good bit before beginning to play dealers choice. We had some fun playing wild card games. I taught them lacrosse, I game I generally don't like, but felt I had an edge. I won a good pot or two then lost most of my winnings(~$150) on one hand. We played until amost 6am, so Saturday was a bunch of fun for me.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
ho hum
yearning for the quick fix
gather the tools beside you
the entry is here
are you feeling entitled?
worst worn suit
feels tacky like gaffers tape
be real for this is the ONE only short
nothing excapes
new youth feels like glory
stuck upon the holes of might
just like hot irons
soothing the skin
break the water under peals of steam and laughter
keep it real
are you going into night again
seeking the feeling?
looking for the light and hoping
blind luck wins out again
when you wake upon
the shoulders of defeat
it shines like crystal
is the desire trustworthy?
is the line anew?
are there spiders in my coffee?
is there enough room to lie down?
do you have the courage to lose?
ho hum
yearning for the quick fix
gather the tools beside you
the entry is here
are you feeling entitled?
worst worn suit
feels tacky like gaffers tape
be real for this is the ONE only short
nothing excapes
new youth feels like glory
stuck upon the holes of might
just like hot irons
soothing the skin
break the water under peals of steam and laughter
keep it real
are you going into night again
seeking the feeling?
looking for the light and hoping
blind luck wins out again
when you wake upon
the shoulders of defeat
it shines like crystal
is the desire trustworthy?
is the line anew?
are there spiders in my coffee?
is there enough room to lie down?
do you have the courage to lose?
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Checking my patience at the door.
The title says it all. I don't have the energy to write, and I'm at work.
Checking my patience at the door.
The title says it all. I don't have the energy to write, and I'm at work.
Monday, November 14, 2005
N'hood game.
We played 2/4 limit for about 3 hours, and I seriously crushed these people. After the first few hands, I was not playing well. The hand that stand out to me is one where I get A10, cap the betting (almost every preflop was raised or capped) Flop comes 10 A 8, no flush opps. I bet out again and get 4 callers. 6 comes on the turn. (I should have seen the trouble here, but the table is so loose and SO passive, who knows. I bet out again, get a raise directly behind me and 2 drop off. I cap, and 7 comes off. Yes, the bettor called the capped bets with 6 9 off Nuts. So naturally, I've had a few beers and lay into this guy (nicely) about how shitty a call that is...etc etc. And he laugh it off, saying that why limit is so fun...etc etc, "you NL guys don't have the heart for this game." WOW, so that pissed me off a good bit. I loosened up a lot, started playing rags and catching everything in sight. Eventually I was scaring people off of hands and taking ~50% of the pots at a table full of 9. The 'joker' as I referred to him later in the session, really started to clam up when all his chips were getting shipped my way. He and his wife finally called it a night after he bought and lost another $40 worth of chips to me. My confidence was over the top, and I was up about 110x my starting stack.
I can't say that I would like to play this way again, but it sure was fun, and I can't remember (other than winning) when just playing cards was so enjoyable. I do know that I'm going to hit up some limit tables online now for sure.
The tourney's were good. First tourney had 17 people. I came in third, which I thought was a pretty good outcome. I never had a chip lead and played very conservatively. 2nd Tourney, we had to play one table with 11 people. I mucked and mucked and mucked. I didn't even play a hand until 2 people were out, when UB I get Q4 3 callers, so I play the free cards and get QQ7 flop. Checked around, I let the table see a free card. 3 on the turn. So I bet big, to just take the blinds...about half of my stack. I get a caller...ugh. Either I'm way behind or way in the lead. Another blank and make a value bet. I get raised by the bigstack, and have to call. I don't know If I really thought I had a winning hand or just didn't feel like playing that tourney...but I get taken out by Q9. I can't decide how I could have played that differently/or better, but I should have guessed I was dominated, and ignored the signs.
N'hood game.
We played 2/4 limit for about 3 hours, and I seriously crushed these people. After the first few hands, I was not playing well. The hand that stand out to me is one where I get A10, cap the betting (almost every preflop was raised or capped) Flop comes 10 A 8, no flush opps. I bet out again and get 4 callers. 6 comes on the turn. (I should have seen the trouble here, but the table is so loose and SO passive, who knows. I bet out again, get a raise directly behind me and 2 drop off. I cap, and 7 comes off. Yes, the bettor called the capped bets with 6 9 off Nuts. So naturally, I've had a few beers and lay into this guy (nicely) about how shitty a call that is...etc etc. And he laugh it off, saying that why limit is so fun...etc etc, "you NL guys don't have the heart for this game." WOW, so that pissed me off a good bit. I loosened up a lot, started playing rags and catching everything in sight. Eventually I was scaring people off of hands and taking ~50% of the pots at a table full of 9. The 'joker' as I referred to him later in the session, really started to clam up when all his chips were getting shipped my way. He and his wife finally called it a night after he bought and lost another $40 worth of chips to me. My confidence was over the top, and I was up about 110x my starting stack.
I can't say that I would like to play this way again, but it sure was fun, and I can't remember (other than winning) when just playing cards was so enjoyable. I do know that I'm going to hit up some limit tables online now for sure.
The tourney's were good. First tourney had 17 people. I came in third, which I thought was a pretty good outcome. I never had a chip lead and played very conservatively. 2nd Tourney, we had to play one table with 11 people. I mucked and mucked and mucked. I didn't even play a hand until 2 people were out, when UB I get Q4 3 callers, so I play the free cards and get QQ7 flop. Checked around, I let the table see a free card. 3 on the turn. So I bet big, to just take the blinds...about half of my stack. I get a caller...ugh. Either I'm way behind or way in the lead. Another blank and make a value bet. I get raised by the bigstack, and have to call. I don't know If I really thought I had a winning hand or just didn't feel like playing that tourney...but I get taken out by Q9. I can't decide how I could have played that differently/or better, but I should have guessed I was dominated, and ignored the signs.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
I didn't do as well as I hoped in the Blogger tourney, I went out around 300 or so. I'll try and go over that history as well.
I am doing my best to strive for some balance. I get a bit obsessive about poker once and awhile and need to get reeled in. I tend to lose focus on personal issues, I need structure, but for the life of me, I just don't work that way.
Consistency. Balance. Clarity. Thought. Action.
Highlight from last night, I play .50/1 NL 6 handed to try and finish my bonus. I go with $50 to one table and get dropped to ~$8...I move to another table, plop another $50 down and get 10-9d on the first hand. I normally raise in this spot, but just call since I'm new to the table. Checks around, flop comes A-J-6 diamonds. First to act is big stack with almost 3x my chips. He puts 5 in and gets a caller. What to do in this spot? I have to raise to see where I'm at. I double the bet and get a call from stack and a fold from the caller. Next card is a blank. Big stack pushes again.
I have to at least call here, but I go all in thinking, 1. I'm new at the table, this guy is big stack and trying to establish himself as the captain. 2. He is on a draw, or has A J o or something like that. 3. I have him beat.
He calls my all in, and another diamond comes on the river, I think I am screwed for sure, but he shows 8dJc...whew.....Doubling up in the first hand sure is a moral booster. I'm not sure if I made the right call or just got lucky, but it matters not.
I didn't do as well as I hoped in the Blogger tourney, I went out around 300 or so. I'll try and go over that history as well.
I am doing my best to strive for some balance. I get a bit obsessive about poker once and awhile and need to get reeled in. I tend to lose focus on personal issues, I need structure, but for the life of me, I just don't work that way.
Consistency. Balance. Clarity. Thought. Action.
Highlight from last night, I play .50/1 NL 6 handed to try and finish my bonus. I go with $50 to one table and get dropped to ~$8...I move to another table, plop another $50 down and get 10-9d on the first hand. I normally raise in this spot, but just call since I'm new to the table. Checks around, flop comes A-J-6 diamonds. First to act is big stack with almost 3x my chips. He puts 5 in and gets a caller. What to do in this spot? I have to raise to see where I'm at. I double the bet and get a call from stack and a fold from the caller. Next card is a blank. Big stack pushes again.
I have to at least call here, but I go all in thinking, 1. I'm new at the table, this guy is big stack and trying to establish himself as the captain. 2. He is on a draw, or has A J o or something like that. 3. I have him beat.
He calls my all in, and another diamond comes on the river, I think I am screwed for sure, but he shows 8dJc...whew.....Doubling up in the first hand sure is a moral booster. I'm not sure if I made the right call or just got lucky, but it matters not.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
I played well last night. I was on the .25/.50 NL and .10/.25NL tables for a long time. I really like the 6 handed games...lots of action. I get really bored at 9 seat cash games, but I do understand I could probably make a bit more $ on them, but presently I am still an action junkie, playing the low limits, risking small parts of my paltry roll. I've almost climbed back up to my original starting point....so that's nice. So after taking some cash, I decided to play the 3+rebuy to the 500K satellite. I know this is an all in fest, but I wanted to give it a try. I bought in and went ahead and got another buy in right away.
I never looked back...I doubled up after about 3 hands...I caused several ppl to rebuy. After 10 minutes I was in or near the lead, and stayed in the top 20 for the next 3 hours. I got very tired and tried to just outlast the blinds when there were about 40 left. Top 22 got a seat in the 500k. I dwindled down to around 28th place and decided I needed to play a few hands. I popped two bets stealing blinds and was back up ~18. Next hand I get K10o and loose raise in first position....BAAAD as soon as I did it I told myself it was a mistake. Chip leader was at my table and raises me all-in.....fold. Back down to ~27th place with about 35 left....I can't believe I sat for 3 hours to go out like this..I am so mad I don't think straight. In the SB hand I get j10 o and folds around. I pop the SB bet and BB puts me all in. A7 ugh.....blanks follow and I'm out....bitter bitter bitter....Was this fatigue....possibly, but I got to a point where I lost focus, and that's a shame. I did learn some lessons.
1.) Stay focused.....Analyze your possibilities with every hand.
2.) Don't start a MTT at 1AM :(
3.) One and a half hours does not equate to sleep.
Does PS always close chat near the end of a tourney?....I was enjoying healthy banter at my table and cutting chat off may have removed me a little from the action. Just a thought. I was certainly less than focused. I do enjoy playing as the bully though....you are allowed some calls that you normally wouldn't make. If I can stay awake tonight, I'll go through my history.
So after ~4 wasted hours and I was so frustrated that I had to play a 1 table 6/.50. I came in 2nd and got my entry for the satellite back... yay.
I played well last night. I was on the .25/.50 NL and .10/.25NL tables for a long time. I really like the 6 handed games...lots of action. I get really bored at 9 seat cash games, but I do understand I could probably make a bit more $ on them, but presently I am still an action junkie, playing the low limits, risking small parts of my paltry roll. I've almost climbed back up to my original starting point....so that's nice. So after taking some cash, I decided to play the 3+rebuy to the 500K satellite. I know this is an all in fest, but I wanted to give it a try. I bought in and went ahead and got another buy in right away.
I never looked back...I doubled up after about 3 hands...I caused several ppl to rebuy. After 10 minutes I was in or near the lead, and stayed in the top 20 for the next 3 hours. I got very tired and tried to just outlast the blinds when there were about 40 left. Top 22 got a seat in the 500k. I dwindled down to around 28th place and decided I needed to play a few hands. I popped two bets stealing blinds and was back up ~18. Next hand I get K10o and loose raise in first position....BAAAD as soon as I did it I told myself it was a mistake. Chip leader was at my table and raises me all-in.....fold. Back down to ~27th place with about 35 left....I can't believe I sat for 3 hours to go out like this..I am so mad I don't think straight. In the SB hand I get j10 o and folds around. I pop the SB bet and BB puts me all in. A7 ugh.....blanks follow and I'm out....bitter bitter bitter....Was this fatigue....possibly, but I got to a point where I lost focus, and that's a shame. I did learn some lessons.
1.) Stay focused.....Analyze your possibilities with every hand.
2.) Don't start a MTT at 1AM :(
3.) One and a half hours does not equate to sleep.
Does PS always close chat near the end of a tourney?....I was enjoying healthy banter at my table and cutting chat off may have removed me a little from the action. Just a thought. I was certainly less than focused. I do enjoy playing as the bully though....you are allowed some calls that you normally wouldn't make. If I can stay awake tonight, I'll go through my history.
So after ~4 wasted hours and I was so frustrated that I had to play a 1 table 6/.50. I came in 2nd and got my entry for the satellite back... yay.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Just in case...
PokerStars is announcing ANOTHER contest within a contest. For all registrants of PokerStars Blogger Championship, we are giving out a cool PokerStars Fleece for the following contest:
In your own words (any length you think is appropriate), tell PokerStars what makes a good blog. If you have a poker blog or one that has this as a major topic, please add relevance to poker in your topic.
Email all entries to: bloggertournament@pokerstars.com. I will announce the winner and post his answer and blog URL on our blog this upcoming Friday the 21st. Good Luck!
Just in case...
PokerStars is announcing ANOTHER contest within a contest. For all registrants of PokerStars Blogger Championship, we are giving out a cool PokerStars Fleece for the following contest:
In your own words (any length you think is appropriate), tell PokerStars what makes a good blog. If you have a poker blog or one that has this as a major topic, please add relevance to poker in your topic.
Email all entries to: bloggertournament@pokerstars.com. I will announce the winner and post his answer and blog URL on our blog this upcoming Friday the 21st. Good Luck!
Plugging Away

I have registered to play in the
Online Poker Blogger Championship!
This event is powered by PokerStars.
Registration code: 3188941
So I figred why not try. I hope I update this enough to qualify.
Anyway, I had a good time yesterday on the .10/25 tables....doubling up twice then getting out. I also monied at 2 SNGs a 2nd in a 6/50 and 3rd in a 15. I'd really like to ride this awhile.
Plugging Away

I have registered to play in the
Online Poker Blogger Championship!
This event is powered by PokerStars.
Registration code: 3188941
So I figred why not try. I hope I update this enough to qualify.
Anyway, I had a good time yesterday on the .10/25 tables....doubling up twice then getting out. I also monied at 2 SNGs a 2nd in a 6/50 and 3rd in a 15. I'd really like to ride this awhile.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
been awhile
been awhile
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
kings are better
First tourney I won...I got Kings 3 times! Crazy..I hit trips with them once against AK....Remember this is five handed! Nuts. I got a little cavalier after that and tried playing more aggressive than usual. It might work with strangers, but with my friends, they picked it up pretty easily. We have one calling station, that I can never put on cards until he has the nuts. He doesn't win alot, but it is very frustrating when trying to bluff and semi bluff. You just can't with that kind of player.
Haven't played much online lately...sticking with low money tourneys building my stack a bit. I made a deal with myself that I would no longer deposit money this year...so I am picking my games a little more selectively. Late 3 tourneys, I got money...I hope it keeps up. I seem to play a bit better with pressure. Interesting.
kings are better
First tourney I won...I got Kings 3 times! Crazy..I hit trips with them once against AK....Remember this is five handed! Nuts. I got a little cavalier after that and tried playing more aggressive than usual. It might work with strangers, but with my friends, they picked it up pretty easily. We have one calling station, that I can never put on cards until he has the nuts. He doesn't win alot, but it is very frustrating when trying to bluff and semi bluff. You just can't with that kind of player.
Haven't played much online lately...sticking with low money tourneys building my stack a bit. I made a deal with myself that I would no longer deposit money this year...so I am picking my games a little more selectively. Late 3 tourneys, I got money...I hope it keeps up. I seem to play a bit better with pressure. Interesting.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Poker Post
Three weeks ago I help organize a tournament for a website that I frequent. It is not a poker site, and I will not post the address, but I'll say it is a website dedicated to nothing in particular..off topic ramblings and such. Anywho....I set up the tourney on Pokerstars and helped to fund several (~6) people get into it. We turned out 39 people with about 10 of them who I would consider 'solid' players.
I played only premium hands until I could get a feel for the table...I stayed away from big pots and pushed hard when I was in. I stayed near the middle of the pack until we got down to 2 tables, then began to push. The play for the most part was weak, and I picked up hands when needed and didn't take any unnecessary beats. I made it to the final table in 5th or 6th place and stayed solid/passive until I get to QQ UTG. Short stack to my left goes all in and chip leader calls. I put chip leader on A-x or suited cards and short stack on any thing in level 1 -3. I decide to smooth call the all-in, praying that A-K doesn't show up. Flop comes J 9 (c) 5h, Chip Leader checks and I make a pot sized bet (about half my stack) to push him off a draw. He comes over the top all in. So I think he has hit the Jack, has a flush or straight draw, which I also have a piece of. No way I put him on AA KK or JJ, just didn't feel right. I call off my chips and turn over the queens. He turns over AJ and the peanut gallery goes nuts. The turn and river comes up blanks. What a feeling. 2 hands later I get AA and have two all in callers. Down to 3 players and Previous chip leader had taken a big chunk of #3 to get a small lead. Short stack whittles away 3 blinds and goes out to chip leader. He had about 2-1 on me going into heads up. This is where I know my game needs work. We go heads up for 20 minutes, I play aggressive, he folds a lot. A big hand comes A10 for me and I double the blind. He raises, and I call ....I get blanks on the flop and he makes a pot size bet...Most likely pockets here, so I fold. At one point he had more than 3-1 on me.
There was a turning point in which I had put in half my stack in on a blank board and he called. After two more cards, I had J high and went all in, to which he folded!! Unbelievable, he gave me ammunition and I began to trap since he would weak call any bet now. I eventually came out on top, not by any remarkable hands or beats, by simply outplaying him...
Outplaying is an often over used term, and having been on both sides of the player/playee equation, I'd like to examine what it means exactly.
There are times in a given session or series of session, where you can feel like you are making every call properly. Everything works; bluffs, slow plays, raise/reraises etc.. The last few times playing, I've actively searched to get that feeling. It is like imposing your will on players and the cards....sometimes it lasts days or weeks, sometimes one hand. If there is a way to harness this, to feel it out....it would be incredible.
Every poker player I've read or talked to knows this feeling. Do the pro's feel this or get this more often? I really don't want to equate this with luck, because I've been on a lucky streak before....this is more than that. It has to do with confidence and will. I know when I have it, I know when I don't, now I want to go and get it anytime.
OK, so I can ramble a bit, but I will do my best to test my writing skills other than train of thought.
Poker Post
Three weeks ago I help organize a tournament for a website that I frequent. It is not a poker site, and I will not post the address, but I'll say it is a website dedicated to nothing in particular..off topic ramblings and such. Anywho....I set up the tourney on Pokerstars and helped to fund several (~6) people get into it. We turned out 39 people with about 10 of them who I would consider 'solid' players.
I played only premium hands until I could get a feel for the table...I stayed away from big pots and pushed hard when I was in. I stayed near the middle of the pack until we got down to 2 tables, then began to push. The play for the most part was weak, and I picked up hands when needed and didn't take any unnecessary beats. I made it to the final table in 5th or 6th place and stayed solid/passive until I get to QQ UTG. Short stack to my left goes all in and chip leader calls. I put chip leader on A-x or suited cards and short stack on any thing in level 1 -3. I decide to smooth call the all-in, praying that A-K doesn't show up. Flop comes J 9 (c) 5h, Chip Leader checks and I make a pot sized bet (about half my stack) to push him off a draw. He comes over the top all in. So I think he has hit the Jack, has a flush or straight draw, which I also have a piece of. No way I put him on AA KK or JJ, just didn't feel right. I call off my chips and turn over the queens. He turns over AJ and the peanut gallery goes nuts. The turn and river comes up blanks. What a feeling. 2 hands later I get AA and have two all in callers. Down to 3 players and Previous chip leader had taken a big chunk of #3 to get a small lead. Short stack whittles away 3 blinds and goes out to chip leader. He had about 2-1 on me going into heads up. This is where I know my game needs work. We go heads up for 20 minutes, I play aggressive, he folds a lot. A big hand comes A10 for me and I double the blind. He raises, and I call ....I get blanks on the flop and he makes a pot size bet...Most likely pockets here, so I fold. At one point he had more than 3-1 on me.
There was a turning point in which I had put in half my stack in on a blank board and he called. After two more cards, I had J high and went all in, to which he folded!! Unbelievable, he gave me ammunition and I began to trap since he would weak call any bet now. I eventually came out on top, not by any remarkable hands or beats, by simply outplaying him...
Outplaying is an often over used term, and having been on both sides of the player/playee equation, I'd like to examine what it means exactly.
There are times in a given session or series of session, where you can feel like you are making every call properly. Everything works; bluffs, slow plays, raise/reraises etc.. The last few times playing, I've actively searched to get that feeling. It is like imposing your will on players and the cards....sometimes it lasts days or weeks, sometimes one hand. If there is a way to harness this, to feel it out....it would be incredible.
Every poker player I've read or talked to knows this feeling. Do the pro's feel this or get this more often? I really don't want to equate this with luck, because I've been on a lucky streak before....this is more than that. It has to do with confidence and will. I know when I have it, I know when I don't, now I want to go and get it anytime.
OK, so I can ramble a bit, but I will do my best to test my writing skills other than train of thought.
Monday, August 01, 2005
SO maybe I can use this as a tool. Day 1 Being an adult: I did my job today so far, ate a nutricious lunch with chicken, pasta and an apple. I'm planning on taking my son to Six Flags this weekend. I will buy a book on starting a Bar/Restaurant tonight and begin reading it. I can't have pipe dreams without things to fill them with.
Later, and happy birthday to me.
BTW, neither my brother OR sister called to say happy birthday.....that sucks.
edit 8/18: I found my brothers birthday card last night going through my desh DOH! I called him and apologized for giving him crap.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
SO maybe I can use this as a tool. Day 1 Being an adult: I did my job today so far, ate a nutricious lunch with chicken, pasta and an apple. I'm planning on taking my son to Six Flags this weekend. I will buy a book on starting a Bar/Restaurant tonight and begin reading it. I can't have pipe dreams without things to fill them with.
Later, and happy birthday to me.
BTW, neither my brother OR sister called to say happy birthday.....that sucks.
edit 8/18: I found my brothers birthday card last night going through my desh DOH! I called him and apologized for giving him crap.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
I suck at this
by Lore Fitzgerald Sjöberg
I've pretty much been doing nothing worth mentioning, but it's not important. I've just been hanging out not getting anything done, but I don't care. I haven't been up to much these days. Basically not much notable going on lately. Today was a complete loss. I haven't gotten much done lately.
Pretty much sums it up.
I suck at this
by Lore Fitzgerald Sjöberg
I've pretty much been doing nothing worth mentioning, but it's not important. I've just been hanging out not getting anything done, but I don't care. I haven't been up to much these days. Basically not much notable going on lately. Today was a complete loss. I haven't gotten much done lately.
Pretty much sums it up.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
in the drama of being
insecure born into thinking
finding a line to draw, only blown away by the sand
going into it is feeling whole
forget the new feelings
doing the good thing
checking with my conscience to see if its ok
look people, its pretty simple
point the guns ahead and pull
the lines aren't difficult to recite
here, I can give them to you myself
no need to think
just act
remain silent and nodding
off into the blue wings
folding into the waves of force
you are safe
you are safe
you are safe
in the drama of being
insecure born into thinking
finding a line to draw, only blown away by the sand
going into it is feeling whole
forget the new feelings
doing the good thing
checking with my conscience to see if its ok
look people, its pretty simple
point the guns ahead and pull
the lines aren't difficult to recite
here, I can give them to you myself
no need to think
just act
remain silent and nodding
off into the blue wings
folding into the waves of force
you are safe
you are safe
you are safe
Friday, June 17, 2005
- The Life Path 1 drive in this life is characterized by individualist desires, independence, and the need for personal attainment. The purpose to be fulfilled on this Life Path is that of becoming independent. This is a two part learning process; first, you must learn to stand on your own two feet and learn not to depend on others. After you are indeed free and independent, you must learn to be a leader. Many of our Generals, corporate leaders, and political leaders are men and women having the Life Path number 1. The 1 always has the potential for greatness as a leader, but they may fail as a follower. Many 1's spend most of their lives shaking off their dependent side. When this happens, there is little time left for enjoying the rewards to be gained through independence. The individual with Life Path 1 has to overcome an environment in which it is very easy to be dependent, and difficult to be independent.
A person with positive 1 traits abounds in creative inspiration, and possesses the enthusiasm and drive to accomplish a great deal. Your drive and potential for action comes directly from the enormous depth of strength you have. This is both the physical and inner varieties of strength. With this strength comes utter determination and the capability to lead. As a natural leader you have a flair for taking charge of any situation. Highly original, you may have talents as an inventor or innovator of some sort. In any work that you choose, your independent attitude can show through. You have very strong personal needs and desires, and you feel it is always necessary to follow your own convictions. You are ambitious, and either understand or must learn the need for aggressive action to promote yourself. Although you may hide the fact for social reasons, you are highly self-centered and demand to have your way in most circumstances.
When the 1 Life Path person is not fully developed and expressing the negative side of this number, the demeanor may appear very dependent rather than independent. If you are expressing this negative trait of the number 1, you are likely to be very dissatisfied with your circumstances, and long for self-sufficiency. This is defined as the weak or dependent side of the negative 1 Life Path. On the strong side of this negative curve, the 1 energy can become too self-serving, selfish and egotistical. Over-confidence and impatience mark this individual.
I do like to think of myself as independent, but something doesn't compute... wheres the drive?Yes I feel independant minded and strong willed, but how do I put it to use? Certainly not by sitting in front of a computer for the next 10 years. Whats the plan???? I've got to stop making excuses for marginal and bad behaviour. I need to take care of MYSELF, to the benefit of my loved ones..not to my own satisfaction. So it appears as thoug I am on the weak side of this trait....how do I balence it.....Whay do I need people telling me what to do?? Why can't I come up with something on my own?? BAH. cop out. Think about it.
In a shell of indifference the energy is quelled
going not to the destination, but to the dream
liquid and angry the senses flare
when do you learn to trust them
to trust them more than your mind can grasp
to leap into the air.....grasping at something
letting sheer will lift you up
- The Life Path 1 drive in this life is characterized by individualist desires, independence, and the need for personal attainment. The purpose to be fulfilled on this Life Path is that of becoming independent. This is a two part learning process; first, you must learn to stand on your own two feet and learn not to depend on others. After you are indeed free and independent, you must learn to be a leader. Many of our Generals, corporate leaders, and political leaders are men and women having the Life Path number 1. The 1 always has the potential for greatness as a leader, but they may fail as a follower. Many 1's spend most of their lives shaking off their dependent side. When this happens, there is little time left for enjoying the rewards to be gained through independence. The individual with Life Path 1 has to overcome an environment in which it is very easy to be dependent, and difficult to be independent.
A person with positive 1 traits abounds in creative inspiration, and possesses the enthusiasm and drive to accomplish a great deal. Your drive and potential for action comes directly from the enormous depth of strength you have. This is both the physical and inner varieties of strength. With this strength comes utter determination and the capability to lead. As a natural leader you have a flair for taking charge of any situation. Highly original, you may have talents as an inventor or innovator of some sort. In any work that you choose, your independent attitude can show through. You have very strong personal needs and desires, and you feel it is always necessary to follow your own convictions. You are ambitious, and either understand or must learn the need for aggressive action to promote yourself. Although you may hide the fact for social reasons, you are highly self-centered and demand to have your way in most circumstances.
When the 1 Life Path person is not fully developed and expressing the negative side of this number, the demeanor may appear very dependent rather than independent. If you are expressing this negative trait of the number 1, you are likely to be very dissatisfied with your circumstances, and long for self-sufficiency. This is defined as the weak or dependent side of the negative 1 Life Path. On the strong side of this negative curve, the 1 energy can become too self-serving, selfish and egotistical. Over-confidence and impatience mark this individual.
I do like to think of myself as independent, but something doesn't compute... wheres the drive?Yes I feel independant minded and strong willed, but how do I put it to use? Certainly not by sitting in front of a computer for the next 10 years. Whats the plan???? I've got to stop making excuses for marginal and bad behaviour. I need to take care of MYSELF, to the benefit of my loved ones..not to my own satisfaction. So it appears as thoug I am on the weak side of this trait....how do I balence it.....Whay do I need people telling me what to do?? Why can't I come up with something on my own?? BAH. cop out. Think about it.
In a shell of indifference the energy is quelled
going not to the destination, but to the dream
liquid and angry the senses flare
when do you learn to trust them
to trust them more than your mind can grasp
to leap into the air.....grasping at something
letting sheer will lift you up
Thursday, June 09, 2005
a light went out
Maybe I can get inspired by something.
Study materials are the wors things ever written. I can not be compelled or compel myself to read this garbage. I am only encouraged to fall asleep. Open a CCNA training material book and tell me it aint true. I want to know this stuff, but reading is the last way for me to learn something. I just need to skip to the tasks I guess, and go backwards.....thats how I've always learned things. Break it and put it back together.
I have a desire to be something..I just wish someone would tell me what it is.
I still havent gotten anything for may Wife's birthday.....
Does there come a tim when your mind just decides to wake up....or do you need to get an alarm clock?
/\ / 0 0
Nope.....Got nothing....
a light went out
Maybe I can get inspired by something.
Study materials are the wors things ever written. I can not be compelled or compel myself to read this garbage. I am only encouraged to fall asleep. Open a CCNA training material book and tell me it aint true. I want to know this stuff, but reading is the last way for me to learn something. I just need to skip to the tasks I guess, and go backwards.....thats how I've always learned things. Break it and put it back together.
I have a desire to be something..I just wish someone would tell me what it is.
I still havent gotten anything for may Wife's birthday.....
Does there come a tim when your mind just decides to wake up....or do you need to get an alarm clock?
/\ / 0 0
Nope.....Got nothing....
Monday, June 06, 2005
How can life be so full and feel so empty?
What makes me feel like this?
Where's the meaning?
Why can't I feel?
Why am I such a whiner?
How can life be so full and feel so empty?
What makes me feel like this?
Where's the meaning?
Why can't I feel?
Why am I such a whiner?
Monday, April 25, 2005
I spend far too much time in front of a monitor.
I wonder if any long term studies have been conducted regarding constant bombarding of light from a CRT tube. I've spent the better part of the last 6 years in front of a screen, I suppose I am exposed already. Am I serious....who knows, what is serious?
HM....I sound like some kind of ...oh whats that comedian's name.. Richard something...neurotic dude. oh well.
hone the shills
are the nights that young?
looking up, jumping neat like spirals
around the news and reviews
the sites are undeterminable
is it there?
under neath the clothes intrapped
by embarrasement looming inside
yearning want
too much time
under the moon
dancing in spirals.
Cleaned up a bunch last weekend, the wife wasn't speaking to me... but we cleared things up. And the house is spotless. Sha said she's just going to quit talking to me every now and then so that shit gets done around the house. Funny right. she's a card.
Speaking of cards, I'm currently on a decent run at PS...keeping my head above water. I'm organizing a Tourney for OT. Hopefully we'll get enough players forat least 2 tables. I had forgotten how much I liked PS. The play seems to be more steady there. More guys like me who know the rules and follow them somewhat. I'm enjoying the 2 table SNG's. Those take a good bit of time and patience, which I feel is my strong suit. Enough for now. Later.
I spend far too much time in front of a monitor.
I wonder if any long term studies have been conducted regarding constant bombarding of light from a CRT tube. I've spent the better part of the last 6 years in front of a screen, I suppose I am exposed already. Am I serious....who knows, what is serious?
HM....I sound like some kind of ...oh whats that comedian's name.. Richard something...neurotic dude. oh well.
hone the shills
are the nights that young?
looking up, jumping neat like spirals
around the news and reviews
the sites are undeterminable
is it there?
under neath the clothes intrapped
by embarrasement looming inside
yearning want
too much time
under the moon
dancing in spirals.
Cleaned up a bunch last weekend, the wife wasn't speaking to me... but we cleared things up. And the house is spotless. Sha said she's just going to quit talking to me every now and then so that shit gets done around the house. Funny right. she's a card.
Speaking of cards, I'm currently on a decent run at PS...keeping my head above water. I'm organizing a Tourney for OT. Hopefully we'll get enough players forat least 2 tables. I had forgotten how much I liked PS. The play seems to be more steady there. More guys like me who know the rules and follow them somewhat. I'm enjoying the 2 table SNG's. Those take a good bit of time and patience, which I feel is my strong suit. Enough for now. Later.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Not Much time
Not Much time
Friday, April 15, 2005
Move along....
I had a nice nite with the inlaws. Dicussed our vacation plans in May. My brother in law and I will use one night to go to a local poker room for their daily tourneys, yay!
Tonights the monthly game, tomorrow is CASINO night. I'm calm and collected. The monthy game is usually loose with about 3-5 good players involved. I plan to wait it out until we're at least halfway through. I tried that last time with good results, but got a little over zealous when we got down to 8 or so. I just need to remember patience, and not to drink too much. I also have tennis Saturday morning, so I can't be out too late. (famous last words) I'm going to a cigar smoker this afternoon before poker, it shoud be fun and relaxing.
I fear I'm putting too much pressure on myself to succeed tonight. I don't want to play too tight, but I definately can't bluff some of these guys out. Some of them know this and I've used it in the past to mixed results. If I spend the first hour or 2 playing very tight. Hopefully someone will notice and I can use that to my advantage. PATIENCE. Don't get frustrated and give in. I need to stay focused. This is my #1 issue.
Move along....
I had a nice nite with the inlaws. Dicussed our vacation plans in May. My brother in law and I will use one night to go to a local poker room for their daily tourneys, yay!
Tonights the monthly game, tomorrow is CASINO night. I'm calm and collected. The monthy game is usually loose with about 3-5 good players involved. I plan to wait it out until we're at least halfway through. I tried that last time with good results, but got a little over zealous when we got down to 8 or so. I just need to remember patience, and not to drink too much. I also have tennis Saturday morning, so I can't be out too late. (famous last words) I'm going to a cigar smoker this afternoon before poker, it shoud be fun and relaxing.
I fear I'm putting too much pressure on myself to succeed tonight. I don't want to play too tight, but I definately can't bluff some of these guys out. Some of them know this and I've used it in the past to mixed results. If I spend the first hour or 2 playing very tight. Hopefully someone will notice and I can use that to my advantage. PATIENCE. Don't get frustrated and give in. I need to stay focused. This is my #1 issue.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
No Control
played a $5 SnG. What a waste of time. I know better than playing these anymore. Half of the players will bet and go all in on any hand just hoping to get lucky. The problem is that ~80% these are the guys that suck out hands. I play very tight at these games just waiting on the hands to punish the fish. With 6 people left, I get 88 in position just before the blind. There's one caller in the pot and I raise to 3xBB. Small Blind folds BB calls and limper folds. The flop comes 265 rainbow. I make a sizable bet ( i know take more notes.) The turn brings another low diamond card, i don't think the BB is on a straight draw, why would he call the initial raise with a 34 or the like?? I have to admit at the time I'm only really concerned about a higher card coming out. I think BB has an Ax possibly a flush draw. I don't know why I'm thinking this, I just am. I put all my chips in at this point hoping to scare out the draw. BB calls and turns over A 10 diamonds, and there are 2 diamonds on the board. Are you kidding me?? This guy puts in over 1500 chips in on a draw with one card left. I am a huge favorite here....so I think. The river brings another diamond, and I am sent packing.......ridiculous. So many times recently this has been the case. I put my money in the pot with the best hand and get outdrawn.. I just have to stop playing the stupid $5 SnG's its a waste of time indeed.
I can't let this get to me.....a bad beat. I don't think I played it incorrectly, possibly a little slow, which I tend to do when I have a good hand. I need to start winning these hands earlier, and forget trying to maximize my value. Well, no poker until my live game tomorrow. I'm going to do some reading until then.
No Control
played a $5 SnG. What a waste of time. I know better than playing these anymore. Half of the players will bet and go all in on any hand just hoping to get lucky. The problem is that ~80% these are the guys that suck out hands. I play very tight at these games just waiting on the hands to punish the fish. With 6 people left, I get 88 in position just before the blind. There's one caller in the pot and I raise to 3xBB. Small Blind folds BB calls and limper folds. The flop comes 265 rainbow. I make a sizable bet ( i know take more notes.) The turn brings another low diamond card, i don't think the BB is on a straight draw, why would he call the initial raise with a 34 or the like?? I have to admit at the time I'm only really concerned about a higher card coming out. I think BB has an Ax possibly a flush draw. I don't know why I'm thinking this, I just am. I put all my chips in at this point hoping to scare out the draw. BB calls and turns over A 10 diamonds, and there are 2 diamonds on the board. Are you kidding me?? This guy puts in over 1500 chips in on a draw with one card left. I am a huge favorite here....so I think. The river brings another diamond, and I am sent packing.......ridiculous. So many times recently this has been the case. I put my money in the pot with the best hand and get outdrawn.. I just have to stop playing the stupid $5 SnG's its a waste of time indeed.
I can't let this get to me.....a bad beat. I don't think I played it incorrectly, possibly a little slow, which I tend to do when I have a good hand. I need to start winning these hands earlier, and forget trying to maximize my value. Well, no poker until my live game tomorrow. I'm going to do some reading until then.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
I plan on winning my $50 tourney on Friday. I am resolute, focused.
Time Out
Last night was rough, playing a $10 SNG get KK in 3rd position with 5 players left. I make a moderate 2x BB raise. Folds around to the chip leader in the blind, he calls. cards come off 7K9. I make another moderate bet which represents about half my stack, but I have to get this guy off a draw. He smooth calls an I have him on the draw, pokets, or possibly paired kings. jack comes next and I go all in. Hoping he hasnt already made the straight. He calls with J8, and I'll give you one guess as to what comes on the river.
10 makes his straight and I feel like putting my fist through something. Possibly I could have commited to the pot on the flop to pull him off the draw, but I don't know. Just horrendous. Wife is already in bed, so I have to just sit there and take it. I commense to blow through another frustrating round of .50/1 and quit just before 1...
I really suck, I just need to accept it and move on . It's a discipline issue, and I just have none whatsoever, I'm so compulsive its not even funny.. Back to work. I do have some live games coming up this week, so I need to clear my mind. I need a gameplan, and I need to follow it......anybody got one?? jk....sort of.
I plan on winning my $50 tourney on Friday. I am resolute, focused.
Time Out
Last night was rough, playing a $10 SNG get KK in 3rd position with 5 players left. I make a moderate 2x BB raise. Folds around to the chip leader in the blind, he calls. cards come off 7K9. I make another moderate bet which represents about half my stack, but I have to get this guy off a draw. He smooth calls an I have him on the draw, pokets, or possibly paired kings. jack comes next and I go all in. Hoping he hasnt already made the straight. He calls with J8, and I'll give you one guess as to what comes on the river.
10 makes his straight and I feel like putting my fist through something. Possibly I could have commited to the pot on the flop to pull him off the draw, but I don't know. Just horrendous. Wife is already in bed, so I have to just sit there and take it. I commense to blow through another frustrating round of .50/1 and quit just before 1...
I really suck, I just need to accept it and move on . It's a discipline issue, and I just have none whatsoever, I'm so compulsive its not even funny.. Back to work. I do have some live games coming up this week, so I need to clear my mind. I need a gameplan, and I need to follow it......anybody got one?? jk....sort of.
Monday, April 11, 2005
Here's the first entry of my weblog, who know if I will keep this up or not.
I have crusty eyes....
I am going to see the doctor in a few minutes, since i think I may have pink eye. The kids are germ machines I'm telling you. It is now 8:38, I need to be there in about 2 hours. The question is, should I come back?
Let's see, if I have to be there at 10:45, then it takes an hour to be seen I am then done after lunch. Then I need to actually eat lunch....whick makes it 1:30-2 when I am available. Tough call.
Anywho, its a gross way to start off a blog, so I'll move on.
It was a very nice weekend. I went to the baseball game on Friday, got completely hammered, then woke up Saturday morning, in my car no less, and had to go play tennis. We had a very good game 6-0, 6-1. No contest. Maybe I should play hung over more often. Then again, maybe not. I spent the rest of the day trying to feel normal again.
Needless to say I didn't accomplish much on Saturday. Played with the kids. Let Rach go up to the tennis courts to make up some brownie points.
Sunday I hit the ground running; did some yardwork, cleaned out the garage, played with the kids, and was still able to catch a good part of the Braves VS the Mets. Smoltz pitched a great game with 15K's but ran out of gas at the end. Pedro was in control all day and pitched a complete game. Then I watched Tiger hold off Chris DiMarco in sudden death at Augusta. A great day indeed, it was beautiful out.
I was able to fit in some poker on Saturday, I played for a bit on Carribbian Sun, trying to get 500 hands before I run out of money. Doesn't look possible at this point. I dropped ~40 playing 1/2. I should have checked those tables out before depositing. I am more comfortable at .50/1 right now, I I beleieve that effected my play. I played a $5 multi table very well. But went braindead with 25 players left. I went all in on 99 against an agressive player who had QQ. DOH! What an asshole I am finishing 23rd when payouts were going to 20.... I simply wasn't thinking of my position. Then I went to Pokerroom to make up. Placed 2nd in an Omaha $10 SnG and then made a few more bucks at .50/1.. Consistency.Consistency.Consistency.Consistency.
I am so impatient sometimes and I feel myself doing it. Very frustrating, but I believe I am able to analyze my play a bit better these days. I am certainly alot less deluded than I used to be. I play solid poker about 80% of the time, and just need to hone in a little more. I am still on the losing side I believe despide some big nights. I really need to start taking more notes. Possibly this little blog can help me realize where I am truly at, and if I need to stop.
Well, I suppose that is good enough for post1 of ?. I will try to keep this up, maybe add a picture or spruce this page up. Then again.....
Here's the first entry of my weblog, who know if I will keep this up or not.
I have crusty eyes....
I am going to see the doctor in a few minutes, since i think I may have pink eye. The kids are germ machines I'm telling you. It is now 8:38, I need to be there in about 2 hours. The question is, should I come back?
Let's see, if I have to be there at 10:45, then it takes an hour to be seen I am then done after lunch. Then I need to actually eat lunch....whick makes it 1:30-2 when I am available. Tough call.
Anywho, its a gross way to start off a blog, so I'll move on.
It was a very nice weekend. I went to the baseball game on Friday, got completely hammered, then woke up Saturday morning, in my car no less, and had to go play tennis. We had a very good game 6-0, 6-1. No contest. Maybe I should play hung over more often. Then again, maybe not. I spent the rest of the day trying to feel normal again.
Needless to say I didn't accomplish much on Saturday. Played with the kids. Let Rach go up to the tennis courts to make up some brownie points.
Sunday I hit the ground running; did some yardwork, cleaned out the garage, played with the kids, and was still able to catch a good part of the Braves VS the Mets. Smoltz pitched a great game with 15K's but ran out of gas at the end. Pedro was in control all day and pitched a complete game. Then I watched Tiger hold off Chris DiMarco in sudden death at Augusta. A great day indeed, it was beautiful out.
I was able to fit in some poker on Saturday, I played for a bit on Carribbian Sun, trying to get 500 hands before I run out of money. Doesn't look possible at this point. I dropped ~40 playing 1/2. I should have checked those tables out before depositing. I am more comfortable at .50/1 right now, I I beleieve that effected my play. I played a $5 multi table very well. But went braindead with 25 players left. I went all in on 99 against an agressive player who had QQ. DOH! What an asshole I am finishing 23rd when payouts were going to 20.... I simply wasn't thinking of my position. Then I went to Pokerroom to make up. Placed 2nd in an Omaha $10 SnG and then made a few more bucks at .50/1.. Consistency.Consistency.Consistency.Consistency.
I am so impatient sometimes and I feel myself doing it. Very frustrating, but I believe I am able to analyze my play a bit better these days. I am certainly alot less deluded than I used to be. I play solid poker about 80% of the time, and just need to hone in a little more. I am still on the losing side I believe despide some big nights. I really need to start taking more notes. Possibly this little blog can help me realize where I am truly at, and if I need to stop.
Well, I suppose that is good enough for post1 of ?. I will try to keep this up, maybe add a picture or spruce this page up. Then again.....