Anywho, I took AL's advice and joined the Riverchasers HORSE event. I didn't imagine I'd go very far, but I soon realized that some of the competition was looser than a two dollar hoe! So I bided my time and took as many hands off in Stud that I could. I still excel in Razz, OH8 and Stud8 (IMHO) and used those orbits to stay afloat. During the early (first 2 hours) of the tourney I was playing my HU4 matches with NewinNov. I won the first two then got shanghai'd in the 3rd when someone got in before newin. The second hand of which i flopped trips, crippling my opponent. Newin and I played the third match for a very long time, changing leads at least 10 times, in the end I whittled him down for a 3-0 match. This brings my current run in HU4 at 6-1.
And for the HORSE tourney you ask????
On to the Riverchasers...I managed to squeek in to the final table and outlast a few players when I found myself with a respectible stack. Also there at the final table was byron and wwonka It was a fun match down to the end, unfortunately my heads up opponent wiggstad could not stand the onslaught of cards I caught during the razz round and was crushered. good times..
Also I managed to take down the Poker Blogger Fantasy Football League that Kelly ran!!! Did I tell you yet how much I rock?
I hope everyone had (and is having) a great Holiday and have a safe and happy new year.