Is it my donkish need to play too many hands?
I'd love to get some insight into hand selection for Stud Hi and OH hi, cause I'm obviously doing something wrong.
I did manage to get 2 2nd places in SNG's last nite a HOSE and HORSE. I don't think I'll play HOSE anymore though. I think Razz is one of my favorite parts of HORSE right now.
Also I came to an interesting finding last night dealing with patience and hand selection overall.
I joined a cheap Stud-8 H/L tournament (415 players) around 8:45 having barely missed the WWDN . I like stud-8 and wanted to get some more hands in on the cheap. About 20 minutes later my wife game home, she decided not to go shopping and just wanted to chill. Fine with me, I left the game open (T2200) and went to watch a movie.
About 45 minutes or so later, I went upstairs to heat up some food and see if I was still in the tourney. I had not lost as much as I expected. I suppose being limit that the orbits last a bit longer. I was sitting at T1600 or so. Of course I decide to play a few hands while my dinner is getting nuked and I manage to win 2 big pots in the span of the 5-7 I saw. I ramped up to ~T5600 and went back downstairs.
When the movie was over (Horribly sappy movie with Peter Faulk and Paul Rieser) the wife wants to read so I can go back to my game. I'm still sitting around T4600 I played for a while longer, but busted with 2 pair and a low draw in the hundreds.
This really got me into thinking about patience. Now, I know there are alot of things different about the games. Limit and Stud makes the game about twice as long as HE, but I think the premise stays the same. I'm playing way too many pots. I hover in the high %30 in most HE tourneys. I think if i can work this down by half over the next month or so that I will see myself lasting longer in even more tournaments, and the last thing you want is me with some chippies at your table.
I'll be around for the MOOK tonight, I also have a ticket to the 25K at the same time, so maybe I can do some damage in both. I know now why Hoy likes the 25k tournament so much. If you can just show some discipline early on, you can make a run at pretty good money. I played last Friday and managed to cash again in the 150th place range. I feel like I have a chance to win every game I'm in these days, and confidence is a big part of playing well. Just ask DannyN. He just may know a thing or two about successful tournament play.
Oh, and play CC's Thursday bash and watch me Pauly, Kat and CC battle it out for the big prize.

Too many hands on stud is the deathnell from my experience (looking at 30,000 foot level stuff). Omaha hi is probably more complicated; it's probably a combination of position and number of hands played. My impression is that it is simply swingier as you invest in pots where you're ahead yet have a >30% chance of being behind. Everyone has the pot odds to make their actions, which means you get caught up to alot more in Omaha than you do in HE. The other major change I made is that you just can't think about good reads and making tough calls when you have marginal hands like two pair, dummy end straights, and baby flushes. I say this as someone who doesn't really know what I'm doing at Omaha (meaning I generally know). When I started folding flops when the situations I mentioned were there, I started improving results. DISCLAIMER: take all this with a major grain of salt.
I'm gonna have to show you Georgia boys how to play poker!
Well doc, I'm listening....
'See' you both tonight.
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