Monday, April 13, 2009

Weekend wrapup.

I enjoyed a somewhat relaxing weekend that started off with a canceled poker game. It's spring break here which means most of my regulars were out of town. Thursday afternoon I kind of lost my motivation for trying to scrape together a game, so I scrapped it and adjusted my outlook to doing something with the Fam.

The kids selected Summits out of our options, mostly I'm sure because they have a game room and can spend more than 20 minutes there getting morbidly bored.  Summits happens to be my favorite bar + restaurant in the area. They offer 200+ draft beers and bottles to boot. Not to mention they actually have an edible menu, not this chain restauraunt crap.t You may have something similar in your area. Summits offers a beer club which rewards you with customized mugs at certain levels. The custom mugs also offer a few ounces of extra hoppy goodness.

I'm closing in on my next mug, which is more like a chalace, for hitting 250 draft beers. I figure when I surpass 250 I'll have to start going the bottle route more often on my way to 500 and the custom made German Stein. ahh, but I digress.

On Saturday, my father in law retaliated with my mother in law and had a surprise party of his own for her. The wife and I were far less involved for this one, we got there a little early to help set up. I got the bar ready and was the designated wine pusher for the evening. We did our thing for a couple hours and left somewhat early. It was nice to get home and pass out at a reasonable hour.

We did Easter mass on Sunday, and dammit if I didn't just now think of taking slack. The girls were terribly cute in their spring dresses while the boy and I stuck to the khaki-oxford uniform.

Afterwords, the kids relaxed at home for a couple hours while I got some work done, then we headed off to the aunts house to stuff our faces and veg during the end of the Masters.

I must say I was a little sad for Mikelnuts, poor guy just can't get out of his own way. Just what the heck were our boys choking on there at the end? Frigging Argentinean hits a tree on 18 and still manages to win....pathetic. Call me racist, whatever. I've been called worse, its just disappointing to have what seems to be good players shit their pants at the end of 4 days...

Not a bad weekend, all in all. Started out with torrential downpours and ended with some of the most beautiful weather to date this year. I love spring in the south.

Have a good weekend folks, see you around.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009


My wife never gets sick. She has an iron will and boundless energy, I often remark that Rach has another gear that most normal folks just don't have. Well, yesterday she got sick. I was staying home already since I was a little under the weather, which happens on a bi-monthly basis. Around 10AM she casually mentioned ot me that she was tired and proceeded to sleep the rest of the day and all night long. I started getting a little antsy around 10PM when she came down to get some tea, drank two sips, and went back to bed. This morning I was certain it was strep. Her voice was scratchy and wavering and she still had no energy. I had a meeting to get to this AM and took the kids to daycare so she could get some rest. As I was writing this I reminded myself to call and check up on her, but got no answer at home and her cell. I busied myself for a few more minutes and tried a few more times for the  next 30 minutes or so. I must admit that I got a little panicked.

She finally called me back from her car just a mminute ago and let me know she was on the way to immediate care, and I let myself breathe again. I know its nothing, but it kind of pisses me off that I have to get reminded of how important she is to me, just being there for me.

That has nothing to do with the title of the post, and I'm struggling to find  a reason for it. I think Ive come up with the fact that I feel like such a palooka sometimes, taking more than I give. I really got to work on that.